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一、海员船上投诉 Seafarers’ on-board Complaints 1、海员可以对不符合《2006 Seafarer may lodge complaints related to any matter that is alleged to constitute a breach of requirements of Maritime Labor Convention,2006,applicable collective bargaining agreement,Seafarers’ employment agreement, and other relative international conventions and flag state laws or regulations. 2、海员可以向本部门负责人(水手长、机工长)或其上级高级海员进行口头投诉。24小时内给予答复。 The seafarer shall firstly explain his grievance to high ranking officers, such as boatswain, chief motorman, or to the head of the department of the seafarer. The head of department should then attempt to resolve the matter as soon as possible. If the seafarer is not satisfied with the way his grievance has been handled, he may refer it to the master, who should handle the matter personally and give reply within 24 hours after receiving complaint. 3、如果投诉不能在船上得到协商解决,可以向公司船员部投诉,船员应在三个工作日内给予书面答复,适宜时,与有关海员或可能被他们指定为代表的人协商。 f a complaint can’t be resolved on board, the matter should be referred ashore to Crew Manning Department. The Crew Manning Department should give a written reply within 3 work days, where appropriate, in consultation with the concerned seafarers or any representatives they designated. 4、投诉事项可能与船上接受投诉的人或甚至与船长具体相关。在任何情况下,海员均有权直接向船长或在其认为必要时向适当的外部当局投诉。这些当局可以是船东、船旗国、海员居住国或港口国的主管当局。 The complaint may relate specifically to those individuals to whom the complaint ismade or even to the master of the ship. In all cases seafarers should have a right to complain directly to the master and, if necessary, to competent alien authorities, understanding as these, the ship owner, the flag state, Seafarer’s country of residence, or the port state control authority. 5、船员可以向经授权的认可组织登轮检查员提出投诉,但投诉必须采取书面形式。 The seafarer can complain to on-board surveyors of the authorized organization, but the complaint must be in written form. 6、海员有权选择同船的另一名海员陪同或代表其投诉,该指定人员应能参与该投诉事项的任何会议或听证。 Seafarers have the right to be accompanied or represented by another seafarer of their choice on board t


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