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毕业设计说明书 课题名称: PID变频恒压供水系统的设计与应用 系 别 专 业 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 起讫时间:2010年3月8日~2010年5月9日(共8周) PID变频恒压供水系统的设计与应用 摘要 洗浴中心的供水要求随意性比较大,在用水高峰时,压力较小,根本不到正常的供水压力,造成顾客的抱怨,而在用水低峰时,供水压力较高,这样给供水管道带来很大隐患。所以针对以上情况,本课题采用PLC和变频器进行恒压供水,从而解决用水高峰时水压较低的问题,得到得到比较理想的使用效果。 变频恒压供水系统由变频器、PLC、触摸屏、水泵机组及压力传感器等组成。此系统由单台变频器控制2台3KW水泵,全自动无人值守工作,实现对整个供水设备的自动控制,应用变频器实现恒压供水;同时保留手动控制的功能。本系统正常时为两泵轮作,每隔12小时轮流切换主泵一次。变频器的功能变频器接收PID信号,控制水泵,通过改变输出频率调节水泵的转速,从而达到恒压供水的目的。同时达到节能的目的。根据出水口压力及设定压力的偏差,输出模拟量控制变频器输出频率, 使其出水口压力保持恒定。从而克服由于采用单纯手动控制系统进行控制带来的控制不方便、控制系统对供水管网中压力和水位变化反应迟钝的问题,降低能源消耗和资源浪费,提高设备的可维护性和运行的可靠性。并且变频调速式供水系统具有节约能源、节省钢材、节省占地、节省投资、调节能力大、运行稳定可靠的优势,具有广阔的应用前景和明显的经济效益与社会效益。 关键词:PLC;恒压供水;变频调速;自动控制 Abstract Bath of water required relatively large arbitrariness in the water peak, less stressful, not less than the normal water pressure, resulting in customer complaints, and in the low water peak, the water pressure is high, so bring a water supply pipeline great risks. So for the above, the subject of PLC and frequency converter with constant pressure water supply, water peak in order to address the problem of low water pressure, have been ideal to use effects. Constant pressure water supply system by the frequency converter, PLC, touch screen, water pump and pressure sensors and other components. This system consists of 2 sets of single inverter 3KW water pump, automatic unattended work, to achieve automatic control of the entire water supply equipment, application of inverter constant pressure water supply; while retaining manual control function. The system of two pumps normal rotation, every 12-hour shift once a main pump switch. PID transducer function of frequency converter to receive the signal, control pumps, by changing the output frequency adjust pump speed to achieve the constant pressure water supply purposes. At the same time to save energy. U


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