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Good morning everyone,I was on duty in our intensive care last night, there were 3 patients who were porfromed operations, now I will show you the main information No.27 于浩霜 Excision [eksi??n] cyst of bile duct plus Roux-pen-Y choleclocho-jejunostomy was performed, she came back at 18:00 yesterday, The patients vital [vaitl] sights were stable and no complaint last night, This morning BP(blood pressure) is millineters of mercury, HR(heart rate) is bpm,RR(respiration) is bpm, There was about milliter blood from the abdominal [?bd?min?l] drainage tube, It was madder red and was unobstracted, There was about ml urinal [ju?rin?l] from the urinary canal [k?n?l], It was yellow, Covering on the incision was dry and renous transfusion [tr?nsfju:??n] was easy and smorth She felt nansea and vomiting at 23:00 and got better after giving maxdon 10 mg im, she felt nausea and vomiting again at 2:00 and got better after giving a gastric take insertiy There was about ml liquid from the gestrotestinal drainage tube It was yellow. 肌注:intramuscular [,intr?m?skjul?] 14:45:a quarter to 15/fourteen forty-five/forty-five past fourteen/3 quarters past fourteen 22:30 :twenty-two thirteen/half past twenty-two 18:00: eighteen o‘clock/eighteen sharp整点/six in the evening甲状腺癌:htyroid carcinoma [θair?id] [,kɑ:sin?um?] 甲状腺腺瘤:htyroid adenoma [,?d?n?um?] 乳腺癌:breast cancer [brest] 甲状腺大部切除术:subtotal thyroidectomy [,θair?idekt?mi] 甲状腺癌根治术:radical resection of thyroid cancer [r?dik?l] [risek??n] 改良术乳腺癌根治术:modified radical mastectomy for breast cancer [m?stekt?mi] 乳腺癌根治术:radical mastectomy for breast cancer 乳腺癌扩大根治术:extensive radical mastectomy for breast cancer [ikstensiv] 肝囊肿:cyst of liver [sist] 肝移植:transplantation of liver [tr?nsplɑ:ntei??n] 肝肿瘤:tumor of liver [tju:m?] 肝内胆管结石:intrahepatic bile duct stone [hip?tik] [bail] [d?kt] 肝性脑病:hepatic encephalopathy [en,sef?l?p?θi] 肝叶切除术:hepatolobectomy 肝胆管胆总管空肠Y型吻


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