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《管理英语》阅读复习题 1. 柔性制造系统 flexible manufacturing systems 2. 最优工作流程 optimum work flow 3. 绩效评估 performance appraisal 1. material requirements planning 物料需求计划 2. personnel management 人事管理 3. popularity poll 认可度民意调查 1. The mission of logistics management is to plan and ordinate all those activities necessary to achieve desired levels of delivered service and quality at lowest possible cost. 物流管理的任务是计划和统筹所有的活动,而这些活动必须是在尽可能降低成本的情况下让配送服务和质量都达到理想水平。 2. Good employers allow employees to talk freely with one other. This not only reduces stress but also enhances productivity and problem-solving. They reduce personal conflicts on the job. To minimize conflicts: they work with employees to resolve conflicts through communication, negotiation and respect; treat employees fairly, and define job expectations clearly. 优秀的经理允许员工彼此间畅所欲言, 这不但减轻了工作压力,而且还能提高生产率并促进问题的解决。在工作中,他们力图减少员工间的个人冲突。 减少的办法有: 他们和员工通过交流, 商谈和彼此尊重来共同化解争端; 公正地对待员工,并清楚地规定工作要求。 3. One of the greatest lessons that I’ve learnt from having studied booms for three hundred odd years, the number one rule is that all booms must bust. The larger the boom, the larger the bust; the smaller the boom. the smaller the bust. There is no expectation to that. 我研究三百多年经济繁荣历史的最深刻认识就是,所有繁荣都会变为萧条,越繁荣,萧条就会越严重, 无一例外。 产品标准化不是设备名称统一,也不是型号的一致。 Product standardization does not mean the same name or the same type. 每个孩子的天资、能力和进取心并不像等。 Not every child has an equal talent , an equal ability or an equal motivation. 为了方便计算,不得不放弃对精确的要求。 For ease of calculation, we must give up accuracy. 其他相关内容: Phrase: 物流管理 logistics management 准时生产 Just-in-time 跨国公司 multinational corporations 奖励制度 reward system 组织文化 organizational culture 人力资本 human capital 赏罚机制 reward-and-punishment 自我引导鞭策型 self-directed driven types 职业道德 work ethics 沟通渠道 channels of communication 主持大局 dominate and control situation 能干的人 go-getter 认识风格 cognitive style 对于服务和工作条件心


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