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SUZHOU KINGTO WATER TREATMENT CO.,LTD 苏州科图水处理设备有限公司 Project Contract 工程合同 This Project Contract (this “Contract”) is made on [Date], by and between: 本工程合同由以下双方签订: Purchaser: 需方: ,地址: Supplier: Suzhou Kingto Water Treatment CO.,LTD. with its legal address at Suzhou 供方:苏州科图水处理设备有限公司 其法定地址为:苏州工业园区同胜路111号 After amicable negotiation, the Parties have agreed as follows: 经友好协商,双方达成协议如下: 1. Project Name 工程名称: 1.1 The Supplier agrees to manufacture, sell, deliver and install in accordance with the terms of this Contract and the Purchaser agrees to purchase from the Supplier the water treatment system (the “Contract Products”). 根据本合同条件供方同意生产、出售、交付和安装,而需方同意从供方采购水处理系统(“合同产品”) 1.2 See A attached hereto provides detailed specifications of all components of the Contract Products. 合同产品所有部件的详细规格请参见附件A。 2. Price and Payment 价格和付款 2.1 The aggregate purchase price for the Contract Products shall be RMB_________ (¥ ) ( the “Contract Price”). Itemized Contract Prices are shown in A attached hereto. 合同产品的总采购价为人民币¥ (“合同价”)。详细的合同价格请参见附件A。 2.2 The Contract Price shall exclude costs for civil construction, such as excavation, cement bedding and construction of cement tank for the filter placement, and also exclude the costs for covering the filter tank. 合同总价不包含土建施工费,如挖掘、水泥铺底和修建放置过滤器水泥槽等,并且不包括覆盖过滤槽的价格。 2.3 The Contract Price is payable as follows: 合同总价通过以下方式支付: 2.3.1 Prepayment 预付款 Within five (5) days after signing this Contract, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier an amount equal to fifty percent of the Contract Price as the down payment (the “Down Payment”). 本合同签订后五天内,需方应付给供方合同总价的百分之六十(60%)作为预付款。 2.3.2 Payment upon Delivery 交货款 The Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier an amount equal to thirty percent (30%) of the Contract Price (the “Payment upon Delivery”) after the Supplier completes the installation of the Contract Product and before plan to deliver the machine. The last date signed by the Pu


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