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问候一句What can I do for you?”“May I help you?”是第一次来么 Is it the first time for you to come here有没有人提前联系过你,如果有,出示微信Is there any one who contact you in advance, if so,please show me her name or WeChat如果没有 请您稍等我会安排专业人员为您介绍我们的健身中心If you don’t have ,please wait for a moment and we will arrange for the professional staff to introduce our fitness center for you 您好 我是您的会籍顾问 我将为您介绍我们的健身中心Hello, I am your membership consultant I will introduce our fitness center for you我们的营业时间是从早上9点到晚上9点“Our business time is from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM”健身中心总体活动区域面积两千余平米The fitness center overall activity area is more than 2000 square meters,现可容纳200余人同时健身。can accommodate more than 200 people at the same time,健身吧包括:有氧训练区、组合器械区、自由力量训练区、私教功能区、有氧操厅、瑜伽室、单车训练区、娱乐休闲区、洽谈区及超大浴区等多元化健身环境。Our gym includes: aerobic training zone, combination equipment area, freedom force training area, private education function area, aerobics room, yoga room, cycling training area, recreation areas, with diversified fitness environment area and large bath area etc..你觉得怎么样?How do you feel about our GYM center我们的卡价正常是每年1200我们现在有活动 最低年卡价是900元 “Ordinarily we sell them for 1200 per year, but Ill make a concession for 900yuan per year.”或者Our card price is normal every year ,we now have the lowest card price for 900 yuan办卡可以赠送健身包If you charge now ,we can give you a fitness package as reward如果没有议价的余地,态度虽然要坚定,但口气仍要十分委婉:“We have but one price, sir.”(我们不二价的)“Sorry we cant reduce the price, sir.” Im sorry I cant give you a discount.(请勿错失良机) “You may not have the same chance again.”如果你可以办两年卡,会得到更大的优惠If you can do two years card, you will get a bigger discount之前的活动现在已经结束了,现在活动结束了That activity now is over, and now the lowest card price is 900 yuan这个已经是现在是最低的价格了This is already the lowest price.分期付款You can buy them by installment”解释分期付款:“You pay a down-payment of five hundred yuan, and then,you give me the other 300yuan in next month避免正面争论,实在不行,记得说句“Im very sorry we couldnt help you, sir.”(很抱歉,我帮不上什么忙)。可以刷卡 可以支付宝Alipay? credit card or ready mon


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