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1.2普通紧固件连接工程施工工艺 General Parts Construction Technology (1)? ? 成品进场 Refined Approach ??普通螺栓、铆钉、自攻螺钉、拉铆钉、射钉、锚钉(膨胀型和化学试剂型)、地脚锚栓等坚固标准件及螺母、垫圈等等标准配件,其品种、规格、性能等符合现行国家产品标准和设计要求。 Ordinary bolts, rivets, and self-drilling screws, rivets (expansion and chemical reagents), to such strong legs stud and nut standard parts, gaskets, etc. standard accessories, variety, specifications, and other products with existing national standards and design requirements. (2)? ? 螺栓实物复验 ??Complex and bolts kind experience 普通螺栓作为永久性连接螺栓使用时,当设计有要求或对其质量有疑义时,应进行螺栓实物最小拉力载荷复验,其结果符合国家标准《坚固件机械性能、螺栓、螺钉和螺柱》(GB3098)的规定。 Ordinary bolt connecting bolts as a permanent use, when the design requirements or questions about its quality should be carried out when the smallest lag bolts kind complex load testing and the results were consistent with national standard《mechanical fasteners, bolts, screws and stud》 (GB3098). (3)? ? 匹配及间距 ??Matching and spacing 连接薄钢板采用的自攻螺钉、拉铆钉、射钉等其尺寸与被连接钢板相匹配,其间距、边距等应符合设计要求。 Thin plate connecting the self-drilling screws, rivets, such as its size and connecting plate by matching their distance, should comply with the design requirements and other fringe. (4)? ? 螺栓坚固 ??Solid bolts 永久性普通螺栓紧固应牢固、可靠,外露丝扣不应少于2扣。 Ordinary bolt should be firmly secured permanent, reliable, not less than two exposed screw deduction. (5)? ? 外观质量 Appearance Quality 自攻钉、钢拉铆钉、射钉等与连接钢板应紧固密贴,外观排列整齐。 Since the attack nails, rivets Steel, Steel Nailing should be secured so closely connected with stickers topology neat appearance. 1.3高强度螺栓工程施工工艺 High Strength Bolt Construction Technology 1.3.1工艺流程 Process 作业准备→选择螺栓及配套→接头组装→安装临时螺栓→安装高强度螺栓→高强度螺栓紧固→检查验收. Ready to work →Bolts and matching options →Joint assembly →Installing temporary bolts → Installation of high strength bolts →High strength bolts fastening →Inspection and acceptance 1.3.2螺栓长度的选择 Bolt length option 扭剪型高强螺栓的长度为螺栓头根部至螺栓梅花卡头切口处的长度.选用螺栓的长度应为紧固连接板厚度加上一个螺母和一个垫圈的厚度,并且紧固的要露出不少于两扣螺纹的余长,一般按连接板厚加表5-2中的增加长度,并取5㎜的整倍数. Torsional shear length of the high-strength bolts


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