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GUIDelines FOR SAFETY WORK PERMIT FORM 安全作业许可证使用指南 Use this information as a guideline for filling out the Safety Work Permit form. Permit Number许可证号码 A non-repeating number is to be placed in this box. A prefix or suffix may be used with the number. 在框内填入非重复的编码,号码的前缀或后缀部分。 This Authorizes Name/Company授权的作业者和公司 When authorizing safety work permits, fill out the name, company, work team who are authorized to do the following work. 当批准一项安全作业许可时,授权作业的作业者、公司和作业队伍的名称须填写清楚。 To Do The Following Work (be specific)许可的作业内容 The description of the work must include location, area/unit, equipment name and tag number as appropriate. The more specific the description of the work involved will help identify hazards involved. 工作描述必须包括工作位置、区域、设备名称和相应的位号。更具体的描述将有助于危险的识别。 Exact Location精确的位置 State exactly where the work is to be performed.精确的位置指执行任务的地方。 Cross Check 反复核对 What other work could affect this permit? 影响本次作业的其他作业 List any and all work that could impact this permit.列出与本次作业有影响的其他作业。 Does This Work Involve Special Permits or Approvals?这个工作包括特殊许可或批准吗? Confined Space Entry有限空间的进入 A Confined Space Entry Permit must be attached to the Safety Work Permit and work must comply with, Permit-Required Confined Space Entry, 01.05.33. If the space is reclassified the reclassification form must be posted with the corresponding Safety Work Permit at the job site.涉及有限空间时,有限空间许可证必须和安全许可证附在一起,进入需要许可证的有限空间,必须根据程序“01.05.33”执行。如果是重新定义的有限空间(需要许可证的有限空间重新分类成不需要许可证的有限空间),有限空间再定义清单和安全许可证必须同时张贴在现场。 High Voltage高电压 A High Voltage Electrical Isolation Certificate (HV EIC) must be completed in duplicate by a Q-EL or Fully Authorized Electrical Technician. One copy is to be retained with the Safety Work Permit and one copy retained by the competent person responsible for the work crew the entire time the work is in progress.涉及高压线作业时必须由有资质的电气技术人员来完成,高压电力线隔离证(HV EIC),复制两分,一份附在SWP中,另一份给作业的全体人员在完成作业过程中使用。 Work must comply with EHS Standards Electrical Safe Work Practices - Technical Level for Q-EL /


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