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Analysis of Narratology and feminism in Jane Eyre A Thesis Submitted to College of Foreign Languages College In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts May2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to Mao Huimin, my supervisor, who has given me constant and valuable advice, read my drafts through meticulously an offered incisive comments on them. Without her help, the thesis could never have reached its present form. I am also extremely grateful to Wangyan, my supervisor, who not only helped m collect the corpus, but also gave me a lot of useful materials and advice when I did my teacher practice in Heze Experimental Middle School. I owe particular thanks to those students who kindly and seriously wrote the compositions, which were used as the corpus in this study. Without their writings, this research would not have been able to be conducted. My sincere gratitude also goes to all my teachers who have given me excellent lectures and great help, which is dispensable to the completion of this thesis. I also give my hearty thanks to all my roommates who offered me generous help and useful suggestions in the process of writing this thesis. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all the writers whose works are referred to in this thesis. 摘 要 夏洛蒂·勃朗特是英国甚至世界上杰出的女作家之一,其代表作《简爱》更是一部家喻户晓、深受大众喜爱的作品,女主人公简爱以她独立自强、追求平等的精神激励着一代又一代人。以女主人公简爱的经历为主线,讲述了一个坚强,独立,自尊与自信的女性爱情故事,塑造了一位值得赞美,歌颂的女教师形象。文章讨论了简爱的反抗意识,集中反映在她为自由,平等,独立和女性尊重而战。在盖茨黑德,简爱由顺从到为生存而战,在劳渥德,她为女性尊重和平等而战,也为拥有平等爱而战。最后她赢得了罗切斯特的爱,过着幸福的生活,而对简爱这个举目无亲,任人欺凌的无助少女,最终跻身上层社会,成为贵妇的陡然转变,有人则说是“真和善的统一”。上述种种评论,虽然都表现了评论家关于文学的社会思考,但都没有从文化和人性的较深揭示类,尤其是女性、社会生存的文化本质。 :简爱 平等自由 爱情 ABSTRACT Charlotte Bronte is one of the most well-known writers in Britain and even in the whole world, enjoying great reputation attributable to her masterpiece Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre only has a center narrator who expresses her own comments subjectively and freely and positively impact the r


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