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附录:托福分类词汇(一) 第一类 教育类 1 旷课 n absence be absent from 2 学习上的,学术的 academic 3 陪伴 V accompany 4 应负责的 accountable 5 成就 achievement 6 有知识的,知晓的 acquainted be ...with acquaintance 7 敏锐,洞察力 acumen 8 熟练的,擅长的 adept 9 适当的,足够的 adequate sufficient enough 10 适应性 adaptability 11 钦佩 admire admiration 12 青春期 adolescence 13 录取,入学 admission 14 成人期 adulthood 15 先进的 advanced 16 有冒险精神的 adventurous 17 逆境,不幸 adversity the courage in the face of ~ 18 孤零零的,冷淡的 aloof isolated 19 津贴,补助 allowance 20 疏远 alienation alienate 21 烦恼,厌恶之事 annoyance 22 反常的 anomalous 23期望,预料 anticipation 24 易于···的,有···倾向的 be apt to tend to be inclined to 25 艰苦的,费劲的 arduous life is an ~ journey. 26 自大 arrogant 27 上进的 aspirant n/adj 28 旁听 audit 29 落后 backwardness 30 关系 bond a bond of friendship had forged between them 31 学术氛围 atmosphere 32 学术资质 qualification 33 学年 academic year 34 使熟悉 acquaint oneself with 35 获取知识 acquisition of knowledge 36 使适应 adapt to 37 适应不同的环境 circumstance 38 负面影响 adverse / negative impact 39 影响学习成绩 affect school achievements 40 课后活动 after-school activity Watching TV is an indispensable part of children’ s after-school activity. Physical and mental health 41Assignment CN 42Elective选修课 43Credit学分 44Children and youth 青少年 45Adolescent 46Teaching/pedagogical methodology 47Adapt to sth/ adjust oneself to sth/ become accustomed to sth 48 Adaptability 49 Apply 50 integrate融入群体 they have not make any effort to ~with the local community 51 Team spirit 52 Think independently/ critical thinking 53 Learning things through understanding 54 Students’ feedback 55 Appraise(evaluate) their teachers’ performance 56 Generalist 57 Specialist 58 Well-rounded/versatile全面发展的 59 Contribute to social progress 60 Humanities人文科学 61 Social science 62 Arts 63 Liberal arts/ studies文科 64 Sciences 65 Engineering 66 Basic sciences 67 Applied sciences 68 Discipline self-discipline 69 Primary-level ( secondary-level/ tertiary-level)education 70 Vocational education/training 71 Interact/interactive 72 Schooling学校给学生的教育,


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