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1. armory (BrE armoury) n. a place where weapons and armour are kept军械库;兵工厂 同义词 arsenal Eg: We must hurry back to the armory and get the decorating done. 我们得赶快回到军械库去,把全部的布置工作完成。 2. strident adj ①having a loud harsh unpleasant sound刺耳的 Eg: a strident voice/tone 刺耳的噪音/声调 strident music 刺耳的音乐 ② aggressive and determined 强硬的,咄咄逼人的 Eg: He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.他是发展核能的坚定拥护者。 strident criticism猛烈抨击 stridency n.(U) stridently adv. 3. unrelenting adj. (written;formal) ①(of an unpleasant situation令人不快的局面) not stopping or becoming less severe 持续的,不缓和的,势头不减的 同义词:relentless ; unyielding Eg: unrelenting criticism/pressure 持续不断的批评/压力 The heat was unrelenting. 炎热没有减弱的迹象。 ②if a person is unrelenting, they continue with sth without considering the feelings of other people不留情的 Eg: He was unrelenting in his search for the truth about his father. 他不顾一切地搜集有关他父亲的事实真相。 unrelentingly adv. 4. grin ① v. grin(at sb)to smile widely 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑 Eg: She grinned amiably at us. 她咧着嘴向我们亲切地微笑。 (IDM) grin and bear it (只用作不定式和用于命令中)默默忍受,苦笑着忍受 Eg: There’s nothing we can do about it. We’ll just have to grin and bear it. 对此我们无能为力,只好默默地忍受。 ② n. a wide smile 露齿而笑,咧嘴而笑 Eg: a wry /sheepish grin 咧嘴苦笑; 尴尬的笑 She gave a broad grin. 她咧着嘴大笑。 5. nonchalant adj. behaving in a calm and relaxed way; giving the impression that you are not feeling anxiety 若无其事的;漠不关心的 同义词:casual, indifferent Eg: to appear /look/sound nonchalant 显得/看上去/听起来满不在乎的样子 “It’ll be fine,” she replied, with a nonchalant shrug. 她若无其事地耸耸肩说:“会好的。” nonchalance n. (U) nonchalantly adv. 6. pump ① n. 泵;抽水机;打气筒;抽水;打气 The heart has acted as a strong pump. 心脏充当了一部强有力的泵。 ② v. 打气;唧筒般运动;灌输;抽取;增加;口盘问 It is autumn and they are pumping water out of the swimming pool. 入秋了, 他们正在抽游泳池的水。 They have cut prices in an attempt to pump up sales. 为了增加销售量他们减价销售。 armload n.(单臂或双臂)一抱之最大量 The boys trailed in gradually, Frank bringing up the rear with an armload of wood


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