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2016辽宁特殊教育师范高等专科学校单招英语模拟试题及答案第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共30小题,每题1分,满分30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.—Waiter! My wife takes great interest in the food on the menu.—Thanks. —Salad, fried fish, fried chicken and orange.A.At your service.B.Oh, what?C.Shall I take your order?D.What can I do for you?22.It is believed that some words, such as “sandwich” and “hamburger”, were the name of people or even towns.A.apparentlyB.relatively C.normallyD.originally23.-Jimmy went to the Internet café recently.-Yes, that might why he didn’t do well in the test.A.make sense of B.sum up C.account for D.turn out24.I’d rather you did some housework when you are free, but you .A.don’tB.didn’tC.wouldn’tD.weren’t25.Tsunami and the suffering brought about affected Indonesia, live over 4% of the Chinese-Indonesia people.A.which; whereB.it; which C.it; where D.that; which26.It is quite necessary to know what you feel like better able to appeal to others.A.to be B.beingC.isD.be27.-International college Entrance Examination is drawing near. What we should do is make the best use of time.-Quite right. Every minute .A.acquiresB.urges C.countsD.limits28.College students shouldn’t get married in university. they are not financially prepared yet; what’s more, they don’t know enough of the society.A.The other way round B.In the first placeC.On the other handD.For one thing29.Facts prove that the world’s economic development is not a win-lose game but one in which all be winners.A.shallB.canC.mustD.would30.Helping the students who have dropped out of the school is .A.as much my responsibility as yoursB.my responsibility the same with yoursC.my responsibility as much as you D.as my responsibility as yours31.- my word, I can’t believe she has got on board the plane alone.A.Upon;/B.With;/C.At; in D.In; into 32. the question correctly made the teachers present satisfied.A.That the student answered B.What the student answeredC.The student had answeredD.The student answering33.You can do it you l


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