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对外经济贸易大学 《跨文化交际(英)》期末考试 I. True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for “true” and F for “false”. (每题 1 分,共 20 分) 1. The term “intercultural communication” was first used by Geert Hofstede in 1959. 2. Hall defines culture as the software of the mind that guides us in our daily interactions. 3. In most of Africa, Argentina and Peru, putting one’s index finger to his temple means ‘You are crazy.’ 4. Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes your experiences and guides your behavior toward a particular group of people. 5. Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. They are the innermost “skin of the onion.” 6. People from some cultures may lower their gaze to convey respect, whereas this may be understood as evading or even insulting in other cultures. 7. Unbuttoning one’s coat is a sign of openness, friendliness or willingness to reach an agreement. 8. In order for intercultural negotiation to be successful, the parties must provide for a win-lose situation. 9. Edward Hall’s theory states that the four levels embody the total concept of culture like an onion – symbols, heroes, rituals, and values. 10. Successful intercultural business communication involves knowing the ethnocentrisms of persons in other cultures. Understanding the mindsets of both oneself and the person of another culture will result in more efficient communication. 11. Ethnocentrism is the belief that somebody else’s cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is better than our own. 12. People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like change as compared with people of Asian and Latin cultures. 13. When dealing with German business people, you should avoid jokes and other forms of humor during the actual business sessions. 14. In the business circle, American busines


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