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GRE数学 第一部分 数学基础知识 一、代数Algebra 例1 比较大小:. The number of distinct positive factors of n 14比较大小 例2:252因子的个数是多少? 例3 比较大小:A printer numbered consecutively the pages of a book, beginning with 1 on the first page. In numbering the page, he printed a total of 204 digits. The number of pages in the book 105 例4 比较大小: In a certain two-digit number, the units digit is twice the tens digit. 5 The tens digit 例5比较大小: 二、描述统计 descriptive statistics 例6 比较大小:某长方形的周长为40,该长方形的最大面积 100 例7 比较大小:空间5个点能够构成的直线数目 10 例8:求3,13,17的标准方差。 三、排列组合combination、概率 probability 排列组合 排列计算公式: , 组合计算公式: 。 概率 例9:假如世界杯比赛共有32支球队,分成8个组,每组4个队,每组前两名出线,然后成对进行淘汰赛,直至决赛决出冠军,并且淘汰队不参加比赛,从中间任选出一场比赛观看是半决赛的机会有多大? 例10:有4对男女,每对中有1男1女,从每对中选出1人,选出2男2女的概率是多少? 例11:有3个打字员为4家公司服务,如果4家公司各有1份文件要录入,他们只能找到这3个打字员录入,且各公司对打字员的要求是随机的。问每个打字员都收到文件的概率是多少? 例12:两个骰子,六面的值分别为1,2,3,4,5,6,投掷这两个骰子,问其中一个骰子的值比另一个的值大2的概率为多大? 四、几何(Geometry) 例13 比较大小:R is a point in the rectangular coordinate system and OR=5. The x-coordinate of point R 5 4.9 例14 比较大小: (RS)2+(ST)2 (RT)2 例15: According to the graph above, when x=3, y is most nearly: (A) -1 (B) -1/2 (C) 0 (D) 1/2 (E) 1 五、文字题(Word Problem) 利息问题(interest) 单利 simple interest 复利 compound interest 例16: If $ 8000 is invested at 6 percent simple annual interest, how much interest is earned after 3 months? 例17:If $ 10,000 is invested at 10 percent simple annual interest, compound semiannually, what is the balance after 1 year? 折扣问题(discount) 例18:The price of an item is discounted by 20 percent and then this reduced price is discounted by an additional 30 percent. These two discounts are equal to an overall discount of what percent? 3. 英美常识问题 GRE难题解析 例1:On a certain number line, if -7 is a distance of 4 from n and 7 is a distance of 18 from n ,then n=? (A) 25 (B) 11 (C)- 3 (D) 11 (E)-11 例2:The diagram represents a rectangular garden. The shaded regions are planted in flowers, and the un


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