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Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single parent, by passing the normal reproductive process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent. The most common process is to take DNA from one cell and put in a hollowed-out(挖空的;掏空的) egg. Chemicals and electricity are then used to encourage the new DNA to fuse with(与…合并) the egg and develop into an embryo(胎儿). This technique is called nuclear transfer(核迁移). The advantages and disadvantages that cloning brings to us Some fatal diseases can be cured with the application of cloning; The rate of success in organ transplant will be greatly improved; And the infertile couples are hopeful to have their own babies, etc. However, it may bring confusion and fear to us; It will threaten human society and dignity; and those clones may feel miserable if they are treated as organ donors instead of independent human beings. Although the possibility of cloning humans has been the subject of speculation for much of the twentieth century, scientists and policy makers began to take the prospect seriously in the 1960s. When asked whether scientists should be able to clone human, 85% said no, 11% said yes. Our opinion---- ! The Reasons 1.The development of reproductive cloning technology may change peoples reproductive way. We can see that from artificial insemination to test-tube embryos, to genetic engineering and now to cloning, humans’ reproduction becomes more like industrialization copy. Simplified Mans paternity Disrupted generational relation Individuals become isolated individuals Social network will become more complicated All of these will strongly threaten the traditional natural ethical relations、moral rules and political system. 2. The identity of the clones are difficult to be determined. The relationship between the clones and people be cloned


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