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战争无法让中国屈膝 Madam?Chiang?Kai-shek1943年2月18日,宋美龄在美国国会发表演讲;第二天,罗斯福发表讲话:美国将以上帝允许的速度援助中国。 -蔣夫人宋美龄女士一九四三年二月十八日于美国众议院演说全文与译文如下:Mr. Speaker and Members of the Congress of the United States: At any time it would be a privilege for me to address Congress, more especially this present august body which will have so much to do in shaping the destiny of the world. In speaking to Congress I am literally speaking to the American people。 议长、美国众议院诸位议员:无论何时,余得向贵国国会致词,实属荣幸;尤在今日,余得向一庄严伟大之团体,对于世界命运之形成有绝大影响如贵院者致词,尤属特别荣幸。余向贵国国会演说,实际上系向美国人民演说。 The Seventy-seventh Congress, as their representatives, fulfilled the obligations and responsibilities of its trust by declaring war on the aggressors. That part of the duty of the people’s representatives was discharged in 1941. The task now confronting you is to help win the war and to create and uphold a lasting peace which will justify the sacrifices and sufferings of the victims of aggression。 贵国第七十七届国会,以代表美国人民之资格,对侵略者宣战,已尽其人民所信托之义务与责任。此为人民代表之一部分职责,早已在一九四一年履行。诸君当前之要务,乃协助争取胜利,并创建与维护一种永久之和平,俾此次遭受侵略者之一切牺牲与痛苦,具有意义。 First of all, I want to assure you that the American people have every right to be proud of their fighting men in so many parts of the world. I am particularly thinking of those of your boys in the far-flung, out-of-the-way stations and areas where life is attended by dreary drabness—this because their duty is not one of spectacular performance and they are not buoyed up by excitement of battle. They are called upon, day after colorless day, to perform routine duties such as safeguarding defenses and preparing for possible enemy action。 余首愿确告诸君,美国人民对于分布全球各地之美国战士实足以自豪。余尤念及驻扎远处偏僻地区,生活至感寂寥之贵国壮士。盖此辈任务,既不能有显赫之表现,亦无振作精神之战事,而系日复一日,仅奉命担负其例行任务,如守卫防御工事,并准备抵抗敌方可能之蠢动而已。 It has been said, and I find it true from personal experience, that it is easier to risk one’s life on the battlefield than it is to perform customary humble and humdrum duties which, however, are just as necessary to winning the war. Some of your troops are stationed in isolated spot


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