高级英语2 语法点.doc

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高级英语2 语法点

高级英语 2 Unit2 1.exhort: (formal) urge or advise strongly 规劝; 告戒 E.g.: The teacher exhorted her students to do their own research work. We are exhorted not to waste our time on the chatroom online. 2.elegant: having the qualities of grace, beauty, and fashion 文雅的,雅致的;讲究的,精美的 E.g.: elegant manners 优雅的风度 an elegant dress 漂亮雅致的女服 a set of books with elegant bindings 一套装帧精美的书籍 3. get / come around / round to: find time for, especially after delay 抽出时间来做(或考虑) E.g.: The committee will get round to your suggestion after they’ve dealt with urgent business. After a long delay he got round to writing the letter. 4. worthy: (sometimes humorous) a person of importance 知名人士;杰出人物 E.g.: local worthies 地方名流 He had been a college worthy. 他曾是学院里大名鼎鼎的人。 5. cool / kick one’s heels: (colloquial) be forced to wait; be kept waiting E.g.: I had to kick my heels for nearly two hours before I could see my boss. 6.anteroom[?nt?ru?m]: (also antechamber[?nt?t?e?mb?]) a room in which people wait, as before seeing a doctor (连接正厅的) 前厅,候见室 7. attest to: testify to; serve as an evidence to affirm / to be proof of 证明,表明 E.g.: His success attests to his ability. 他的成功表明他有能力。 8.ever: (old use or in combination) always 总是,不断地;永远,始终 E.g.: War and suffering have ever gone hand in hand. 战争和苦难总是结伴而行的。 He is ever making the same mistake. 他老是犯同样的错误。 ever-rising costs and prices 不断上涨的费用和物价 9. dub: give (someone) an unofficial name or nickname 给…起绰号;把…称为;授予…称号 E.g.: He was dubbed Shorty because of his size. 他因身材短小被人取了个矮子的绰号。 The region is dubbed the paradise on earth. 这地方被称为人间天堂。 10.cunctation[k??kte???n]: delay 11.rationalize: attempt to explain or justify one’s action with plausible[pl?:z?ble] 貌似可信的,花言巧语的 reasons, even if they are not true or appropriate E.g.: Don’t rationalize your incompetence by finding fault with the method. 12. plead: (formal) give as an excuse for an action 提出…为理由;提出…为借口 E.g.: The thief pleaded poverty. 那贼说是因为贫穷才偷窃的。 The Government pleaded ignoranc


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