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九年级上学期期中英语卷 第二节单项选择(20分 . If you meet a foreigner in the street, you can talk to him like. “ ” A. Hi! What’s your name? B. Could I ask you a question? C. It’s fine today, isn’t it? D. Did you have the meal? 27. We should keep ______ in the reading –room. A. quiet B. quietly C. quite D. quickly 28.?_________?should?not?be?allowed?to?go?out?at?night. A.?Twelve-years-old??????????????B.?Twelve-year-olds C.?Twelve?year?old???????????????? D.?Twelve?years?olds 29.?He?is?afraid?to?speak?in?_______?public. ?????????A.?the????????B?a?????????C.?an????????D.?/ 30.?This?question?is?______?easy,?all?the?students?can?answer?the?question. ????????A.?too?much?????????????B.?too?many????????C.?much?too????????D.?many?too 31.?---Thank you very much. --- . A. you’re ok B. You’re welcome C. You’re right D. Thank you 32.?The?monkeys?escaped?______?the?zoo?yesterday?evening.? ????? ?A.?from?????????????????B.?of??????????????C.?on?????????????D.?out 33. The volleyball may _______Carla,She loves volleyball. A. be B. belong C. belong to D. have 34. ---Where ___________go this summer? ---I’d like to go _________ warm. A. would you like to; anywhere B. will you like to; anywhere C. would you like to; somewhere D. will you like to; somewhere 35. I’ll_________ advertisements after school so that we can tell people about the park clean-up. A. put on B. hand in C. put off D. hand out 36. The red bike _______be Hu’s. She has a blue bike. A. must B. might C. can D. can’t 37. The young ____ has invented more than 30 ________. A. inventor , inventions B. inventor , inventors C. inventions, inventor D. invented , inventor 38. I had a little trouble English grammar. A. learn B. learned C. learning D. to learn 39. ---Do you like fruits? ---No, I don’t like them . A. very much B. either C. too D. in the slighte



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