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沈阳工学院学年论文 论两种制度 学 生:李恪翰 学 号:1420040639 专 业:金融学 班 级:金融六班 沈阳工学院经济与管理学院 二O一五年十二月 摘 要 Abstract There exist two kinds of systems in the world: one is the private ownership, the one is the public ownership system. Capitalism and feudalism is the private ownership system; the socialist system of public ownership system. The capitalist system, like other social systems, inherited the productive forces created by the society, and it greatly promoted the rapid development of social productive forces. The capitalist system has an indelible historical contribution in promoting the development of the capitalist economy. The commodity economy and the competition rule of capitalism, for social production and wide application of science and technology opens the way to spur the development of scientific labor organization and management system and perfect, and the forms of exploitation and regulation of the role, which greatly promoted the rapid development of social productive forces. The bourgeoisie to the development of the productive forces, promote the transformation of the mode of labor, exploitation of the world market, the ongoing ownership form of adjustment, on the development of capitalist production has played a huge role. In addition, the bourgeoisie in the political, legal and ideological fields also have a certain revolutionary achievements. The socialist system is a political and economic system relative to the capitalist system. The basic elements of the implementation of public ownership, the realization of people in power. The activities of the socialist state organs in accordance with the statutory procedures, the creation, approval, modification and repeal of laws, as well as the normative legal documents, within the scope of their legal functions and powers. The superiority of the socialist system, which is considered by Marx, is that it is more fair, more equitable, more equitable, more advanced and scientific than the ca


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