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托福培训丨“举例论证”在托福听力中的运用 朗阁托福培训中心 吴灵燕 对于举例论证,几乎每个人都耳熟能详,考生也时常会在口语和写作中运用。实际上,听力中也是有很多举例论证出现的,因为归根结底,我们所面对的听力文本实际上是口语表达。说了这么多,我们一起来看一下,这个“举例论证法”是如何在托福听力中出现的,并且,朗阁托福培训中心的专家分析一下,应该如何准备和应对这些出现在托福听力中的“举例论证”。 常见托福听力题型之“举例题” 举例题,事实上是托福听力考试中很常见的一种题型,在每场托福考试听力部分中至少会出现2左右。对应到这种常考题型,有模式化的题型特征,通常问题形式都是Why does the professor mention……? 应对这种题目其实不算难,把握好“举例论证”这种套路的运用,分析出例子的作用就可以了。 比如:TPO 24 Lecture 1生物学讲座中的第五题 5. Why does the professor mention dogs? A. To explain that mammals are more complex than reptiles B. To point out that crocodiles can communicate with dogs C. To give an example of mammals that care for their young D. To emphasize that crocodiles have highly developed brains 这题目就是一非常典型的举例题。我们所知道的举例论证的做法通常都是statement + example的形式,那么事实上,我们需要听的获取的信息点就是这个statement部分,也就是我们只要听到一些for examplelike, think about, say…这些表示举例关系的考点引导词,然后赶紧回忆前面一句话的内容,并结合例子本身,是不难找到答案的。 对应原文: Crocodiles have about eighteen different sounds that they can make. There’s...um...um… you have deep grunting sounds, hisses, growls, are many different sounds to interact or send messages. This is more typical of mammals than of reptiles. I mean, crocodiles brains are the most developed of any reptile. In that sense, they are closer to mammals brains than other reptiles brains. And we know that mammals, dogs for example, dogs vocalize many different sounds. Crocodiles have a similar level of, uh, vocal sophistication, if you will, which makes them unique among reptiles. 首先,我们找到一个表示举例关系的关键词for example, 然后对应到例子前面那句话,crocodiles brains are the most developed of any reptile. In that sense, they are closer to mammals brains than other reptiles brains所以很容易地找到了这题目的答案D。 另外,“举例论证法”的中心思想,其实就是为了论证一段话的主要内容,相当于是整个听力文本的分论点,而分论点实际上是为了全文主旨服务的。所以对于这类举例题,我们也可以从主旨出发去选择这些题目的答案。 比如:TPO 14 Lecture 4考古学讲座中的第四题 Why does the professor mention a bottle? A. To illustrate the shape of the interior of a passage grave B. To describe part of a Neolithic burial ceremony C. To help explain how resonance is produced D. To give an example of an artifact found


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