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Manchu customs Most of the Manchu live in the three provinces in northeast China, the most in Liaoning province. They have many customs .Now, let me introduce it detailed. 1. Living habit The Manchu in terms of residence is very exquisite. They live house generally tall clear, for more than 1 and 3 rooms, the chimney, not from the roof of the house straight up , but built in the side of the house. It passes through the hole and the Swastika Kang . And the paper windows mostly paste outside. The 1 and 3 room form of construction, facilitate the ventilation, namely can make indoor air fresh, and can make the house to keep certain temperature. Indoors, Manchu Swastika Kang is the most characteristic. Swastika Kang , also known as turn on Kang, it is the most honorable West, offerings to our ancestors, offering ideal place. The Manchu people, guest if you sit in the West on the Kang, is impolite to the host family ancestors, great respect, the master will be unhappy, elders generally sleep in the southern Kang, while the younger generation and slept in the North kang. 2. Etiquette The Manchu pay more attention to etiquette. Meet at ordinary times will do send greeting ceremony; If meet their elders, to say hello to speak, to show respect. The most solemn etiquette is holding meeting etiquette, also is the waist joint face ceremony. General friends meet, both male and female will do this ritual, said intimacy. Home generally has the Million Kang (that is, a room west, north and south, three sides is soil kang), the most distinguished kang, which used to fathers, not free to go sit. Hang flags in the Manchu is also a custom. Flag also cold a door, window. When the Spring Festival every family paste the flag hanging on the top, the window, some still labeled couplets, increase the festive atmosphere. The Manchu guest, not avoid female family members, they can participate in the activities of the guests toast. To the guest must be served in pairs, once the custome


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