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General Conditions of Purchase Contract采购合同通用条款General /总则1 By accepting our order or by supplying the goods ordered, the Supplier is deemed to have accepted the present conditions.供应商一旦接受我们的订单,或者供给我们所订购的货物,即确认接受了该通用采购条款。2 Only orders in traceable form (in writing, by Telefax, E-Mail) are binding. Verbal orders or orders by phone as well as changes and additions to our order shall be binding only if confirmed by us in traceable form. Terms at variance with our General Purchase Conditions and additional terms, including reservations regarding price or exchange rates, as well as, in particular, deviating General Conditions of Sale and Delivery of the Supplier shall be valid only if accepted by us in traceable form.只有以可以追溯格式(书面形式,如传真、电子邮件)发放的采购订单才具有效力。以口头或电话形式对订单进行更改或增加只在我们书面确认以后生效。与本通用采购条款和附加条款有分歧的条款,以及那些与供应商《通用销售和发货条款》相冲突的其他条款特别包括价格或者汇率的约定,只在我们以书面形式确认后才生效。3 The Supplier is kindly asked to immediately (within 2 working days) return his order confirmation and to notify the exact delivery date.供应商需要在最短时间(两个工作日)内确认我们的订单,并通知确切的交货日期。4 The assignment of the order in whole to third parties shall require our prior consent in traceable form.供应商如果要把订单整体外包给第三方,事先必须征得我公司的书面确认。5 The Supplier shall be liable for all costs incurred by us as a consequence of his failure to observe our instructions or due to faulty or not validly agreed deliveries.所有因为供应商失误而产生的费用都必须由供应商承担,这些失误包括供应商没有遵守我们的说明、发货不完整、或者没有按照协议发货等。6 These General Purchase Conditions shall equally apply to future orders.本通用采购条款同等适用于今后订单。7 Our employees are forbidden to accept gifts, commissions or other compensations of whatever kind.我们的员工禁止接受礼物、佣金或者其他任何形式的补偿。Prices and Transport Costs / 价格和运输成本8 Unless otherwise agreed, the prices are considered firm.除非另有约定,该处拟定的价格确认有效。9 In case of orders showing no price or an indicative price only we reserve the right to approve the price following the receipt of the order confirmation.如果采购订单中没有标明价格,或者只有指导性价格,我们保留按照所收到的确认单确定价格的权利。10 Unless otherwise agreed, all expenses for packing, trans


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