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加中贸易理事会演讲非常高兴出席今天的午餐会。首先,我要感谢加中贸易理事会的热情邀请和周到安排,使我有机会同各位新老朋友见面。长期以来,在座各位为增进中加两国人民相互了解和友谊、推动两国关系改善和发展作出了积极努力。我对此表示衷心感谢。 I am delighted to join you at this luncheon. I want to thank the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) for its kind invitation and warm hospitality. It is a real pleasure to meet all of you, friends both old and new. For years, you have worked hard to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples and promote bilateral relations between our two countries. Let me take this opportunity to express sincere thanks for what you have done. 我首次访问加拿大是在30多年前。当时,我从事外交工作不久,作为一个中方代表团的工作人员访问贵国。加拿大热情的人民、广袤的土地、优美的环境给我留下了深刻印象。后来由于工作关系,我多次来访。此次是我担任中国外长以来首次访加,故地重游,倍感亲切。我这次来访是为了与加方就中加关系和共同关心的问题深入交换意见,增加了解,扩大共识,深化合作,推动两国关系进一步改善和发展。昨天,我同坎农外长举行了会谈,并会见了金塞拉参议长。今天上午,我分别会见了哈珀总理和自由党领袖伊格纳蒂夫先生。我们谈得很好,访问取得了积极成果。 I first visited Canada more than 30 years ago. That was shortly after I joined the foreign service and I came here as a staff member of a Chinese delegation. I was deeply impressed by your warm people, vast land mass and beautiful scenery. Later on, my work brought me here several times. Yet this is my first visit to Canada as the Chinese Foreign Minister and it is nice to be back again. The purpose of my visit is to continue our in-depth discussions on bilateral relations and other issues of mutual interest, increase understanding, build consensus, deepen cooperation, and push for continued improvement and growth of our bilateral ties. Yesterday, I had talks with Minister Cannon, and met with the Honorable No?l A. Kinsella, Speaker of the Senate. And this morning, I had separate meetings with the Right Honorable Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Honorable Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party. The talks and meetings went very well, making my visit a very productive one. 中加关系源远流长。一百多年前,中国劳工来到加拿大,为修筑横贯这个国家东西部的“太平洋铁路”作出了不可磨灭的贡献。第二次世界大战期间,中加两国人民并肩抗击法西斯。白求恩大夫的英雄事迹在中国家喻户晓,他毫不利己、专门利人的国际主义精神永远激励着世界上爱好和平的人们。上世纪60年代初,加拿大在西方国家中率先开展对华贸易,出口小麦到中国,向中国人民提


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