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Transfer Pricing: Strategies, Practices, and Tax Minimization
Kenneth Klassen Petro Lisowsky Devan Mescall†
University of Waterloo University of Illinois University of Saskatchewan
kklassen@uwaterloo.ca at Urbana-Champaign mescall@edwards.usask.ca
January 2014
Using a survey of tax executives from 219 multinational corporations, we investigate the extent
to which cross-border transfer prices are a tool for tax minimization. Contrary to common
generalizations that multinational firms are chronic tax avoiders, we document that most transfer
pricing strategies focus on tax compliance rather than minimizing cash taxes paid. However,
firms that focus on minimizing taxes as a goal of transfer pricing do report lower GAAP
effective tax rates (ETRs) by approximately 4.1 percentage points, while firms that focus on tax
compliance report ETRs that are 3.8 percentage points higher, both relative to firms claiming
neither goal. An analysis of our survey firms using Compustat data to calculate various measures
of short- and long-run ETRs confirms our survey inferences. We also find that firms that focus
on cash taxes report an even lower ETR when the reduction in transfer pricing risk between
operating in a tax haven versus non-tax haven is greater. Furthermore, cash tax-oriented firms
report higher FIN 48 tax reserves than compliance-oriented firms, suggesting tax minimization
for these firms entail uncertain transfer pricing tax arrangements. Finally, larger tax budgets,
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