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Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary ;Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary ;the varied landscape in Yunnan ; April 20th?; Xianggelila;;Xishuangbanna;“月色摇晃树影穿梭在热带雨林”, 这一块潘多拉的土地, 带着那原始而纯粹的神秘感,等着我们去探险;野象谷中还建有一些大树旅馆和观象台,旅客如有耐心,可看见野象到河边饮水、洗澡;曼景兰是民俗风味一条街,地道的傣族集市,在这里可以吃到正宗的傣族风味,也是了解民俗的好地方。;Water-splashing festival 泼水节是傣族人最盛大的节日, 如果你有幸赶上这个盛会, 就尽情感受傣族人的热情与祝福吧。;;Yulong Xueshan Mountain;Yulong Xueshan Mountain;The old town of Li jiang;;The old town of Lijiang;; Early this morning I walked up to a beautiful park on the slopes of the mountain , and sat and watched as the town slowly woke up to the day . Seen from above , the old town is a maze of canals ,little bridges and tiny cobbled streets that tourists get lost in .;The old town of Lijiang ; The old town is a maze of canals , little bridges and tiny cobbled streets ;Three rivers run through the city and wherever you go , you hear the sound of rushing water . Cars are not allowed in the old town. As you walk past the ancient wooden and stone houses , you feel you are walking back into the past .;you can hear the sound of rushing water . ;the ancient wooden and stone houses ; April 23rd;The custom of playing cards: They have the custom of playing cards on card tables in the middle of the street . Clothes: The Naxi still wear traditional costume----the women wear blue blouses and trousers covered by a blue or black apron .;;;;;The clothes of Naxi People;丽江纳西族民族服饰根据地域分布也分好几种的,通常我们看到的是大研古城的“披星戴月” 丽江纳西族的大襟女袄多为布袍,基本结构是大袖、无领、夹层,前短后长。穿时将袖口卷齐肘部,上加坎肩、百褶围腰,背披“羊披”。由于丽江地区的海拔、气温、水草山林等条件宜于发展畜牧业,牛羊皮毛也就成为纳西族服饰的重要组成部分。 ;4; The Naxi language Position: the only hieroglyphic language still in use history: over 1,000years old . ;;;The Naxi language ;;The faith of Naxi people; April 25th;;The Naxi Orchestra;The Naxi Orchestra; April 29 th; ;;Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary ; Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary?;paragraph 1;2. Intensive reading ; ;Intensive reading ;3. language


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