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货物计量 量舱前的准备工作 量舱 名词解释 货物计量 VEF 货油的计算方法 ROB 与OBQ 几个常用的excel公式 量舱前的准备工作 准备好校准过的量油尺(MMC/UTI) 条件允许将船调成平吃水,无横倾 准备好商检所需的各种资料 ---Loading Port Documents ---Ship’s Particulars ---VEF ---Various Tables ---Tanks Arrangement ---Loading / Discharge Plan 量舱 油温测量:测量油温时应至少测货油上、中和下三个位置,即货油深度的1/4、2/4和3/4处,取其平均值,作为该舱货油的油温 空档:由于VLCC大多系靠海上泊位装、卸货,因此,在测量货油空档时,船舶由于受天气、海况等影响而产生摇摆而不准确,因此,应尽可能多测几次,取其平均值。同时,在空档报告(ULLAGE REPORT)上做相应标注。 名词解释 --- A.S.T.M / IP A.S.T.M. --- American Society for Testing Materials 美国材料试验学会 6A / 6B IP --- Petroleum Measurement Tables 石油测量表 54A / 54B 名词解释 --- API / A / B /C表 API----American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会 “A” version – for generalized crude oils “A–为一般原油 “B” version – for generalized petroleum products “B”–为一般石油产品 “C” version – for generalized lube oil “C”–为滑油 ASTM Tables Tables 1,2--- Conversion of Temperatures, Lengths, Areas, Volumes and Weights. Table 3--- Conversion from API @60F to Specific gravity @60F, Density @15C. 5A - Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of Observed API Gravity to API Gravity at 60 ℉ 6A - Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of Volume to 60 ℉ Against API Gravity at 60℉ 5B - Generalized Products, Correction of Observed API Gravity to API Gravity at 60 ℉ 6B - Generalized Products, Correction of Volume to 60 ℉ Against API Gravity at 60 ℉ 23A - Generalized Crude Oils, Corr. of Observed Relative Density to Relative Density 60/60 ℉ 24A - Generalized Crude Oils, Corr. of Volume to 60 Degrees F Against Relative Density 60/60 ℉ 23B - Generalized Products, Correction of Observed Relative Density to Relative Density 60/60 ℉ 24B - Generalized Products, Correction of Volume to 60 ℉ Against Relative Density 60/60 ℉ 24C - Volume Correction Factors for Individual and Special Applications, Volume Correction to 60 Against Thermal Expansion Coefficients at 60 ℉ 53A - Generalized Crude Oils, Correction of Observed Density to Density at 15 ℃ 54A - Generalized


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