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xx市翻译协会及xx大学外国语学院 英语培训中心 英语讲义(小学4年级) ENGLISH(Grade 4) 主编 专业品质, 值得信赖 教学目标:在此讲义中,我们基于孩子本身的英语课本将进行适量的延伸和拓展,提供大量的生活情境,目的就是让孩子们可以在听听、说说、唱唱、玩玩中更有效的学习英语,培养孩子的学习兴趣,以提高孩子听说读写等英语综合能力。 教学大纲:课本内容50% 拓展内容50% Unit 1 What’s your name? Part 1 1. 教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands: (1). 使学生学会询问别人的名字;【剑桥】 (2). 使学生学会询问别人的年龄。【剑桥】 (3). 使学生学会数字1-10。 (4).使学生学会询问他人的职业。【课本】 2.重点Key point: (1). 词汇:one, two, three, four, five,six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 【课本】teacher,doctor,cook,farmer,nurse,drive,worker,policeman (2). 句型:What’s your name? How old are you? I’m…, you’re…, He’s…, She’s…, It’s …, We’re. …, You’re..., They’re… What’s your father? 3.难点 Difficult point: How old are you? 4.唱一唱Sing a song 5.让我们一起说Let’s talk (1)Hello, my name is Wu Yongsheng. My name is Wu Yongsheng. His name is… Her name is… (2)T: what’s your name? S: I’m… 6.小试牛刀Practice. (1) 要求孩子们拿出一张纸 (2) 要求孩子去寻找自己的同班同学并询问:what’s your name? What’s your father? (3) 告诉孩子们用拼音写下同学的名字及爸爸妈妈的工作. (4) 询问几个同学相同的问题并让其回答 . 7.让我们来说Say the chant (1)One, two, three, four. Come in, please and close the door. Five, six, seven, eight. Go to school and don’t be late. Nine ten. Nine, ten. Learn English again and again. (2)集体说: (3)Say it in boys and girls. (4)指名说 8.小时牛刀Practice (1)Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen. (2)Tell the pupils to go and ask his or her friend “How old are you?” (3)Tell the pupils to write down the ages of his or her friends (4)Ask ten pupils the same question and write down the numbers. Part 2 (1).让学生分成3人一组都用这种方式练习:I’m …, She’s …, He’s … (2).教师在学生练习了一会儿后找几组到前面说一说。 (3). Play a game .- count It and clap your hands. 教师说一,就用手拍一,这时学生跟着一起做。教师说二就拍二,学生也跟着一起做,这样一直说到10,拍到10。 (4). Let’s find out. How many 3- letter words? Ted. Ben. Meg, Den pen, men, Let, ten bed net get, bet, cat, mat, pat, bad, sat, tap, bag, bat, mad, tag, sad, tab. Unit 2 What’s this? Part 1 1. 教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands: ﹞ (1).掌握使用what’s this?这个句型。【剑桥】 (2).学习如何询问what do they have …?


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