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6 模具工业 2014年第40卷第9期 热 锻 工 艺 参 数 对 模 具 磨 损 影 响 的 有 限 元 分 析 李宝聚 ,王兆辉 ,谭 磊 ,杨加太 ,秦赵辉 (1.山东大学机械工程学院高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室,山东 济南 250061; 2.济南兴旺模具制造有限公司,山东 济南 250108) 摘要:针对某差速器盖热锻模,基于修正的Archard磨损模型,应用有限元模拟软件De~rm分析 了坯料 和模具预热温度以及成型速度对终锻模磨损的影响规律。研究结果表明,在试验数据范围内,随着坯 料预热温度的升高模具磨损量呈减小趋势,当坯料预热温度超过1230oI=时,这种趋势放缓;提高模具 预热温度,模具磨损量逐步增大,当预热温度超过200c=【时这种趋势更加明显;成型速度小于400mm/s 时,模具磨损量随成型速度的提高而减小,当成型速度超过400mm/s时,模具磨损量随成型速度的提高 会先增大后减小。 关键词:热锻模;磨损;Archard修正模型;工艺参数 中图分类号:TG156;0242.21 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001—2168(2014)09—0006—06 Finiteelementanalysisofeffectofhotforging process parameterson diewear LIBao-ju,WANG Zhao·hui,TAN Lei,YANG Jia-tai。,QIN Zhao-hui (1.MinistryofEducationKeyLaboratory ofEfficientandClena Machinery Manufacturing, SchoolofMechanicalEngineering,ShandongUniversity,Jinan 250061,China;2.Jinan XingwangDieMnaufacturingCo.,Ltd.,Jinan,Shandong250108,China) Abstract:The influencing rules ofbillet,die preheatnig temperature na d formnig speed on the wear ofa finish-forging die fora differentialmechna ism coV(】r was na alyzed based on hte modified Archard wear modelna d the fmite element simulation softwrae DEFORM. Within the scope ofhte experimental data,hte research shows that:with hte increase of billetpreheating temperature,thewearisreduced gradually.When thebilletpreheatingtern- perature is largerthna 1230℃.hte trend is less obvious.Raising diepreheatnig tempera- ture,the wera increases gradually.Wh en the preheating temperature is over 200℃ ,the trend is more obvious.The wera value ofdie decreas es with hte increas e of speed when the fomr ing speed is less thna 400mm /s.Butwhen the forming speed ismore thna 400 mm /s.the wera value of die incr


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