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2015年 第 8 期 中州煤炭 总 第 236期 新型矿用液压步进牵引车设计与研究 徐 琦 、张 弋 2 ( 1 . 天地科技股份有限公司开采事业部,北京 100013; 2 . 中国矿业大学(北京)机电与信息工程学院,北京 100083) 摘 要 :为 了推动矿用运输设备机械化,在对煤矿生产中发现的实际问题进行分析后,研究设计出能够满足实 际生产需要的新型煤矿井下液压步进设备牵引车,该牵引车适用于工作面巷道的大吨位中短距离运输,同时 可以满足实际运输中一定倾角工况条件要求。该液压步进设备牵引车能够满足井下运输的需求,同时保证 了工作人员的使用安全,提高了综采机械化的可靠性和安全性。 关键词:液压;步进设备;夹紧机构;牵引车 中图分类号:TD524 文献标志码:A 文章编号 : 1003 -0 5 0 6 (2 0 1 5 )0 8 -0 0 9 4 - 0 2 Design and Study on New Type Mine-used Hydraulic Stepper Device Tractor Xu Qi1,Zhang Yi2 ( h Coal M ining and Design Department, Tiandi Science and Technology C o . L,t d ., Beijing 100013 , C hina ;2. School o f Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineer, China University o f Mining and Technology (B e ijin g ), Beijing 100083 , China) A b stra ct : To promote the mechanization of mining transportation equipm ent, after analyzing the practical problems of the coal produc­ tion, a new mine hydraulic stepper device tractor which can fulfill the needs of production was studied and designed. The tractor is suit­ able for the large tonnage and short-distance transport of face, as well as meeting the requirement of a certain inclination in actual trans- port working conditions. The hydraulic stepper device tractor can meet the needs of underground transport of m ine,w hile ensure the safe of staff, and improve the reliability and security of integrated coal mining mechanization. K eyw ords : hydraulic pressure ; step-by-step device ; clamping mechanism ; tractor 煤炭作为不可再生的能源受到世界各国重视, 引,由于绞车是通过电机驱动,故矿用绞车一般都需 在煤矿开采方面,综采机械化是现代化煤矿开采的


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