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维普资讯 学兔兔 第44卷第2期 机 械 工 程 学 报 V01.44 No.2 2008年 2月 CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Feb. 2 0 0 8 数控转台直接驱动回转送进系统的 鲁棒2自由度H∞控制木 孙宜标 金 石 王成元 (沈阳工业大学电气工程学院 沈阳 110023) 摘要:为使直接驱动回转送进系统具有良好的抗扰性能及速度指令跟踪性能,采用基于模型匹配鲁棒2自由度控制结构,设 计一个H 速度控制器。H 速度控制器使系统对负载扰动及自身参数变化具有较强鲁棒性,同时采用鲁棒2自由度结构,并 考虑模型匹配问题,是为了提高系统对速度信号的渐近跟踪性能及响应速度,可以解决抗干扰性能和快速跟踪性能之间的矛 盾。仿真结果及分析表明,所提出的鲁棒2自由度H 度控制器可以保证高精度直接驱动转台回转送进系统的鲁棒性和精 确速度跟踪。 关键词:数控转台 直接驱动 环形永磁力矩电动机 鲁棒2自由度 H 速度控制 中图分类号:TP273 TM359.6 Robust 2 Degree—of-freedom H Control for NC Rotary Table Direct Drive Rotary Feeding System SUN Yibiao JIN Shi WANG Chengyuan (Electric Engineering Institute,Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang 1 10023) Abstr_ct:To make the direct drive rotary feeding system with good interference rejection and tracking performance to speed corn- mand,all speed controller based on model matching robust two—degree—of-freedom f2DOF)control is designed The H controller is better in robustness agmn~load disturbances and parameters variations.Simultaneity,the robust 2DOF structure is adopted and the model matching problem is considered to enhance asymptotical tracking performance of the sfrvo system to speed signal and respond speedandto solvethe conflictbetweeninterference rejectionandfasttrackingperformance.Simulation results showthatthe proposed robust 2DOF H∞speed controll~guarantees the robustness and exact speed tracking for high-precision direct drive round table SgTVO system. Keywords:NCrotarytable Directdrive Ringpermanentmagnettorquemotor Robusttwo·-degree·-of-fieedom(2DOF)


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