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学兔兔 化 工 进 展 2011年第30卷第6期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS ·l193· 带嵌件的注塑模具温度场数值模拟 张世勋 ,石宪章 ,高新志 ,张明飞 ,申长雨 ( 郑』·I1大学橡塑模具国家工程研究中心,河南 郑州 450002; 河南省电力公司济源供电公司,河南 济源 454650) 摘 要:冷却分析 (模具温度场计算)是注塑成型计算机辅助工程的关键技术之一,在优化模具设计、提高制 品质量方面具有重要作用,本研究提出了采用边界元法建立带嵌件的注塑模具温度场数值模拟的方法,并针对 嵌件与模具接触面上的边界条件给定的关键问题,采用耦合边界元法对其转化,将嵌件与模具接触面上的边界 条件转移到嵌件与塑件制品的接触面上,使得它的计算可以采用解析法替代原来的差分法,有效提高了分析计 算的精度。 关键词:嵌件:注塑成型;冷却分析;边界元 中图分类号:TQ 320.66 2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000—6613(2011)06—1193—05 Numerical simulation of temperature field of iaj ection mold embedded with insert ZHANGShixun ,SH1Xianzhang ,GAOXinzhi ,ZHANGMingfei ,SHENChangyu (1National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Polymer Processing Technology,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450002,Henan,China;2jiyuan Electrical Supply Company, Electric Power ofHenan,Jiyuan 454650,Henan,China) Abstract:Cooling analysis(temperature field calculation)is one key part of injection molding CAE technology.It plays an important role in optimizing mold design and improving products quality.In this paper,based on BEM theory,presents a numerical model to calculate the temperature field of injection mold embedded with insert.The key problem in model building is how to deal with the boundary condition on the surface between insert and mold.Th is paper adopts coupling BEM and consequently the boundary condition on the surface between insert and mold is transformed to that on the surface between insert and mold part.It could be calculated analytically rather than numerically. This is useful in improving the accuracy of cooling analysis.


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