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2015年 10月 机 床 与 液 压 0 8 2015 第 43 卷第 19 期 M ACHINET 00 L 2 HYDRAULICS V 〇1. 43 No . 19 D O I : 10.3969/j . issn. 1001-3881. 2015. 19. 011 最优控制在吊车数控系统中的应用 张丽\朱珠 (1.江苏盐城工业职业技术学院机电工程学院,江苏盐城224000 2 . 贵州理工学院电气工程学院,贵州贵阳550001) 摘要: 由于最优二次型调节器( Linear Quadratic Regulator, LQR) 具有调节精度高和控制消耗少的综合控制优势,将离 散 LQR 引人到吊车数控系统的设计中,用以实现吊车单摆快速返回平衡位置。建立了吊车系统的连续状态空间方程及其对 应的离散状态空间方程。针对吊车系统的离散数学模型,利用LQR最优控制理论,设计了直流伺服电机的控制策略。计算 机仿真结果表明:相比传统的极点配置方法, LQR 控制方法可实现吊车单摆更加快速和更加精确的调节,并且避免了复杂 的参数调节过程,故易于工程实现。 关键词: 吊车数控系统;伺服电机;最优控制;离散控制; LQR 中图分类号:TP273 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3881(2015) 19-051-5 Application of Optimal Control in the Crane Digital Control System Z H A N G L i 1,ZH U Z hu 2 (1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering , Jiangsu Yancheng Industrial Career Technical College , Yancheng Jiangsu 224000,China ; 2. Electrical Engineering College , Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang Guizhou 550001,China) A bstra ct : Because linear quadratic regulator (LQR) possesses the comprehensive control properties with respect to high precision regulation and small control consumption, it was introduced into the design of crane digital control system, in order to realize pendulum of crane quickly return to balance position. The continuous space-state equation and crane system were established respectively. According to the discrete state-space model of the crane DC motor was designed by using LQR optimal control tlieory. Computer simulation results present that compared to replacement method, the LQRmethod can realize more faster and more accurater regulation


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