时尚文化论文:时尚文化 大学生 思想 行为 路径.docVIP

时尚文化论文:时尚文化 大学生 思想 行为 路径.doc

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时尚文化论文:时尚文化 大学生 思想 行为 路径

【关键词】时尚文化 大学生 思想 行为 路径 【英文关键词】fashion culture college students thoughts behavior way 时尚文化论文:时尚文化对大学生思想和行为的影响研究 【中文摘要】时尚文化是在改革开放和市场经济发展过程中,在各种青年自身因素和社会环境因素综合影响下产生、发展的一种亚文化。大学生时尚文化不仅是一种文化时尚,更反映着时尚背后的大学生生理心理特征、文化价值需求、社会心理心态。时尚文化对于大学生群体的心理状态、思维方式、行为模式选择等产生着巨大的影响。时尚作为一种社会现象和时代审美风潮古已有之,于今犹烈。在科技昌明、传媒发达、交往密集、物质丰富的今天,时尚被赋予了更为深刻的内涵和更为广泛的外延,国内外学者关于时尚的内涵及本质众说纷纭。大学生作为时尚文化的生力军和主力军,他们的思想和行为备受时尚文化彰显的生活观念、价值趋向和审美情趣等的影响。改革开放三十多年来,大学生的时尚观也随着时代的发展而与时俱进。本研究以兰州大学六百余名大学生为调查样本,通过问卷调查,数据分析,较为准确地掌握了当代大学生时尚文化的基本态势,在此基础上,本文分析大学生时尚文化的基本特征、生成机制和形成模式,着重分析了时尚文化对大学生思想和行为的积极影响和消极影响。最后,提出构建积极、健康、向上的大学生时尚文化的路径选择,即一是要转变教育观念,理性审视青年时尚文化;是要倡导先进文化,培植人文精神科学精神;三是要弘扬民族文化,承接中华民族传统美德;四是要规范大众文化,引领大学生时尚健康发展;五是要打造和谐网络,发挥社会传媒积极作用。 【英文摘要】The fashion culture is a subculture that emerged and developed under the influence of youth themselves and social environmental factors in the process of refonning and opening up and the developing of market economy. College students?fashion culture is not only a cultural fashion, but also reflects the students抪hysical and psychological features, their demand for cultural values and their social mentality. It has a great impact on students抪sychological status, ways of thinking and choices of behavior patterns.Fashion is a social phenomenon with a long history, and as an aesthetic taste of the times, it抯 drawing more and more attention in the modern society. It has been given a more profound meaning and a wider extension in today抯 world. However, domestic and overseas scholars hold different opinions on the meaning and nature of fashion. College students are a vital and main force of the fashion culture, their thoughts and behaviors are greatly affected by the ideas of life, orientation of values and taste of aesthetics. During the past three decades of reform and opening up, students?vision of fashion changes with the development of the times. Based on a survey of six hundred students in Lanzhou University, this study indicates a most accurate trend of t



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