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by: 肖子熠 阿拉伯塔酒店,又称迪拜帆船酒店,位于中东地区阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜酋长国的迪拜市,为全世界最豪华的酒店。 帆船(BurjAl-Arab)酒店,翻译成汉语又称“阿拉伯塔”,又叫做“阿拉伯之星”。金碧辉煌、奢华无比的阿拉伯塔酒店,曾是世界上第一家7星级酒店,现已升级为世界上唯一的8星级酒店。 在迪拜王储的提议之下,知名企业家al-maktoum投资兴建了美轮美奂的burjal-arab酒店。由英国设计师英国汤姆·赖特(Tom Wright)设计,建立在海滨的一个人工岛上,是一个帆船形的塔状建筑。一共有56层,315.9米高,它正对着jumeirah beach酒店(被认为是世界上最棒的酒店) The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai was designed by WS Atkins and Partners and constructed by Murray and Roberts from South Africa. Construction began in 1994 and completion was in October 1999 with the doors opening for guests on 01 December 1999. The man-made island on which the Burj Al Arab is situated took three years to build and is about 300m offshore with a single bridge linking the hotel with mainland Dubai. The Burj Al Arab is part of the Jumeirah Group, a Dubai-based luxury hospitality organisation. the tennis court (迪拜酒店的空中网球场) Macao Venice is a collection of food, wine, shopping, accommodation, entertainment and business in one of the large-scale integrated resort Macao Venice person Resort - hotel has 3000 deluxe suites, 92900 square meters of the Grande Canale shopping center, which can hold 15000 seats in the Cotai Strip?golden Arts Museum?, 111484 square meters of meeting venues, as well as the rich characteristics of the ZA A ?theatre, the world famous Cirque Du Soleil ( cirque du Soleil?) is the innovation performance 威尼斯人度假村拥有世界一流的设施,其规模更超越美国拉斯韦加斯威尼斯度假酒店,其中包括超过六十平方米的豪华客房、近十万平方米并汇集世界名牌的大运河购物区、八千平方米的水疗中心,以及驻场表演的太阳马戏团等。预计威尼斯人度假村的开幕,除了能吸引赌客外,亦会吸引不少商务会议及展览活动转到澳门举行,度假村期望可以吸引到一批高消费的商务旅客到澳门消费 Type:Manor Castle(庄园城堡) Situation:Adelaide Australia(澳大利亚阿德莱德) Theme:Privacy protection and Court disposition(隐私保护,宫廷配置) Design of the entire manor Castle facilities, would make the guests room to see each other.Have excellent privacy; at the same time, this service in the world any 5 Stars Hotel are unique. Therefore, if the guests want to feel ancient noble style, then will be to reproduce the most perfect here. Type: Art Hotel Situation: Denmark Theme: Creative



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