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Journalism and Communications 新闻传播科学, 2017, 5(2), 15-21
Published Online June 2017 in Hans. /journal/jc
Discursive Constructions of Drug Issues by
Chinese Media: Problems and Solutions
Qingye Tang
Center for Global Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai University, Shanghai
th th th
Received: May 19 , 2017; accepted: Jun. 6 , 2017; published: Jun. 9 , 2017
The effective prevention of drug abuse requires the public’s right perception of drug harms. For
this purpose, media play an important role in guiding public’s attitude and behavior. This paper,
drawing upon the methods of media and discourse analysis, with a reference to China Drug Report
in 2015, does a quantitative and qualitative analysis on the drug news data of September1 2013 to
August 31 2014 in China’s media. It aims to reveal the relationships of reality, policy agenda and
media agenda in terms of drug issues. The findings are that though real world index shows the
drug issue has become one of the most serious issues China faces, the government has raised the
drug issue to the level of national security strategy, however, the media agenda has not adequately
represented the drug issue. That is, there are more representations of drug as a war and more
eye-attracting drug-related stories, but less medical, legal and humanistic representations.
Therefore, the paper offers suggestions for the media’s drug education and drug discourse repre-
sentation in the future.
Chinese Media, Drug Issue, Discursive Constructions
收稿日期:2017年5月19 日;录用日期:2017年6月6 日;发布日期:2017年6月9 日
摘 要
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