应激性心肌病Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy.ppt

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应激性心肌病Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy

Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy (Tako-tsubo syndrome) 應激性心肌病 病情介紹 女性,70歲 (住院號:08-4361)   主訴:胸痛1小時。 AED (2008.2.28 21:45): BP 156/84mmHg, HR 90bpm   EKG ? 2008.2.28 21:54 2008.2.29 08:13 心肌酶譜變化 病情介紹 入院查體:BP 127/70mmHg,HR 82bpm 既往史:10多年前因右腎結石行右腎切除術,1991年曾患十二指腸潰瘍。不嗜煙酒。有上感史多天。 入院診斷:ACS? Coronary angiogram Left ventriculogram Echocardiogram One month later 住院期間 BP 100-130/60-80mmHg X-Ray:輕度肺瘀血;心影橫徑增大(c/t=0.63),左室大。 Holter:極偶發室上性早摶部分成對出現 血生化:TG 2.0mmol/L,HDL 1.1mmol/L,血糖、肝腎功能正常 出院帶藥: Betaloc-zok 12.5mg qd Acertil 2mg qd Aspirin 0.1 qd Vasteral MR 35mg bid NMR 2.5mg bid 病史小結 危險因素:絶經期後女性,血脂升高 誘因:因丈夫去世而情緒激動 表現:胸痛30min 檢查:心電圖有動態變化,血心肌酶↑ CAG:冠脈無明顯狹窄 Echo:心尖摶動瀰漫性減弱,各房室不大 住院期間:生命體征平穩,無心衰及心律失常 Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy (Tako-tsubo syndrome) 應激性心肌病 In 1990 Hikaru Sato and colleagues from Japan described a novel cardiac syndrome, characterised by: transient left ventricular dysfunction with chest pain, ECG changes minimal release of myocardial enzymes mimicking an AMI Left ventriculogram revealed : left ventricle had a peculiar shape (a round bottom and narrow neck) resembled a type of bottle used in Japan for trapping octopus. Sato and colleagues termed the syndrome Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy – “tako” meaning octopus, and “tsubo”, bottle. More recently, it has also been called : acute left ventricular ballooning reversible stress cardiomyopathy broken heart syndrome stress-induced myocardial stunning Apical ballooning syndrome Stress appears to be key to the development of Tako-tsubo: can be emotional, physical or psychological in nature Studies show Tako-tsubo has occurred : after earthquakes death of a relative car accidents surprise parties fierce arguments court appearances and armed robberies Clinical features Chest pain is the most common symptom - up to 90% dyspnoea palpitations syncope As with AMI features of high circulating


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