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Foreword By Rajat Gupta,ICC Cbairman前言 国际商会主席 Rajat GuptaThe global economy has given business broader access than ever before to markets all over the world. Goods are sold in more countries,in large quantities, and in greater variety. But as the volume and complexity of global sales increase, so do possibilities for misunderstandings and costly disputes when sale contracts are not adequately drafted. The Incoterms? rules, the ICC rules on the use of domestic and international trade terms, facilitate the conduct of global trade. Reference to an Incoterms 2010 rule in a sale contract clearly defines the parties respective obligations and reduces the risk of legal complications. 全球经济一体化使得商业通向世界各地市场的途径空前宽广。各种各样的货物被销售到世界各地。然而, 随着全球贸易数额的增加和贸易复杂性的加强,因贸易合同起草不恰当而带来的误解和高代价争端也可能 随之增加。 国际贸易术语解释通则,国际商会规则在国内和国际贸易用语的使用促进了全球贸易的进行。在贸易合同 中引用国际贸易术语解释通则 2010 可明确界定各方义务并降低法律纠纷产生的风险。 Since the creation of the Incoterms rules by ICC in 1936, this globally accepted contractual standard has been regularly updated to keep pace with the development of international trade. The Incoterms 2010 rules take account of the continued spread of customs-free zones, the increased use of electronic communications in business transactions, heightened concern about security in the movement of goods and consolidates in transport practices. Incoterms2010 updates and consolidates the delivered rules, reducing the total number of rules from 13 to 11, and offers a simpler and clearer presentation of all the rules. Incoterms 2010 is also the first version of the Incoterms rules to make all references to buyers and sellers gender-neutral. The broad expertise of ICCs Commission on Commercial Law and Practice, whose membership is drawn from all parts of the world and all trade sectors, ensures that the Incoterms 2010 rules respond to business needs everywhere. 自从 1936 年国际商会制定出国际贸易术语解释通则之后,此项在全球范围内被采用的合同标准就经常性 地更新换代,与国际贸易的发展步调一致。国际贸易术语解释通则 2010 考虑了免税贸易区的不断增加, 电子沟通在商务中的不断增多,以及被更加重视的货物运输中的安全和变化等问题。国际贸易术语解释通 则 2010 更


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