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20个办法让你彻底摆脱坏习惯 Are you letting bad habits rule your life? I started learning how to change habits a few years ago. Since then Ive switched to a vegan diet, began exercising every day, started writing new articles every day, began waking up earlier and trying some wacky experiments to improve my life. 你的生活正在被坏习惯不断地侵蚀?我从几年前开始改变我的习惯,现在我已经养成以素食为主的用餐、每天锻炼身体、每天写新文章、早起等等好习惯,并且还不断尝试着新习惯来进一步提高我的生活。 Here are some ideas I’ve found useful: 这里是一些方法,我觉得可以非常有用的帮助你摆脱坏习惯: 1. Commit for a Month. Thirty days is all you need to make a habit change permanent. Less time than that and the new alternative might not be hardwired into your brain. More time and any failures to last are usually a failure of strategy, not duration. 1.坚持一个月。30天已经足够让你培养一个永久不变的好习惯了。时间太短则不能根植到你的大脑内,形成长久的习惯。若坚持时间很长但仍然失败往往是由于失败的策略,因为这时候时间的长短并不再是决定性因素。 2. Replace What You Lose. Your habits fulfill needs. When you suddenly cause a change, you may inadvertently cut them out. Before you make a change, write down all the benefits you currently get from your bad habit and make sure they are retained going into the new habit. 2.补偿你丧失的。无论习惯的好坏,你的每一个习惯都是迎合需求的。如果你突然改变其中的一个坏习惯,你便会丧失以前一些坏习惯所带来的好处。所以在开始新习惯前,写下现在的坏习惯中对你有好处的地方,在培养新习惯时就尝试把这些好处保留下来,融入新的好习惯中。 3. Start Small. Changing habits isnt a matter of willpower, but patience and strategy. Dont expect to overhaul your diet, exercise or thinking patterns in a day. Tackle one habit at a time. 3.从小处着手。改变一个习惯与意志力并没有重要的联系,相反耐心和策略却非常重要。不要妄想在一天内改善你的饮食习惯、锻炼方式或者思考模式。你需要一步一步来,从小处着手,每次一个好习惯。 4. Know the Benefits. Get clear in your mind what the benefits are of making a change. If making a change rationally seems good but it doesnt feel good, it wont stick. Emotions have more power than many of us realize. 4.了解好习惯的优点。让自己清楚的了解到新习惯改变会带来的好处和优点。有理性地培养新习惯听起来不错,但是感觉上却有些别扭。因为去培养习惯的感情远远比理性的强迫更有动力。 5. Write it Down. Winston Churchill once said, “Plans are useless, planning is invaluable.”Writing out any commitments you make will give you clarity both to what you desire and how you intend to do it. 5.


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