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Bronchogenic Carcinoma (Lung Cancer) Respiratory department Definition Bronchogenic carcinoma refers to the malignant tumor which grows in the bronchus. Originating from mucus or gland of bronchus. Incidence and mortality Bronchogenic carcinoma has increased remarkable in incidence and mortality during half of the century and has become the most frequent visceral malignant diseases of men.The mortality of lung cancer hold the first place among all kinds carcinomas. Etiology The cause of lung cancer is unknown.It is believed that there are following related factors. 1. Excessive cigarette smoking:Smoking index(Brinkman Index) is equal to cigarettes per day ?smoking time(years). Passive smoking is also a carcinogen factor. Etiology 2.Atmospheric pollution.It was found that carcinogenic factor is benzpyrene . 3.Occupational factors. 4Radioactivity in the atmosphere . 5.Diets and Nutrition. 6.Chronic irritation. 7.Genetic factors. Pathology And Classification 1. According to the position of tumor arising from ,it can be divided into two types . Central type:Tumor arises from main bronchus, lobar and segmental bronchus . Peripheral type : Tumor arises beyond segmental bronchus . Pathology And Classification 2.According to cytology,it is convenient to classify into four kinds of types. (1).Squamous cell carcinoma. (2).Small cell anaplastic carcinoma. (3).Large cell anaplastic carcinoma. (4).Adenocarcinoma(including alveolar cell carcinoma). Pathology And Classification According to the different principles of management,it is divided into two types. SCLC:small cell lung carcinoma. NSCLC:non small cell lung carcinoma. Clinical features There are no symptoms of early lung cancer in some patients. Symptoms caused by lung cancer are non-specific:perhaps an audible wheeze or a slight cough,symptoms of infection (fever ,purulent sputum) , of obstruction (wheezing,dyspnea), or ulceration of bronchial mucosa (hemoptysis). Clinical features 1.Respiratory symptoms


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