新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》精品学案 Section B.doc

新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》精品学案 Section B.doc

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新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》精品学案 Section B

八年级下册 Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section B 学案 临沂凤凰岭中学 张凤兰 2012. 4 学习目标: 1. 学习并掌握重点词汇:kite, stamp, coin, collector, store, run out of 2. 熟练运用have/has been doing 句型。 3. 训练听力、阅读和写作技能。 4. 让学生有快乐共享的共鸣。 学习步骤: Ⅰ.Group work(四人一组练习) A: What do you collect? B: I collect ... A: How long have you been collecting them? B: I’ve been collecting them for/since... C: What does he/she collect? D: He/She collects.... C: How long has he/she been collecting them? D: He/She has been collecting them for/since.... Useful words: stamps, coins, globes, kites, Mp3s, mobile phones, pens, photos, ... for ... years/since ... years ago; since I was ...years old/2006 Ⅱ. Listening 听力提示:1.快速浏览已有信息,尝试预测听力内容。 2.学会抓记关键词和写出首字母,再进行整理填空。 1.Listen and match(听,连线) Bob theater and movie tickets Liam kites Marcia stuffed animals 2.Listen and fill in the chart.(听,填空) Who What How long How many Bob since he was 1)_________ years old 2) Marcia for 3) years 4) Liam since 5) 20 Ⅲ.Describe the three people’s collections.(描述三个人的收藏) Describe like this: ... collects .... He/She has been collecting them since/for.... He/She has.... Ⅳ.Read and fill in the chart. 阅读技巧:1.Skimming 快速浏览短文找出大意. 2.Scanning 跳读文章,找出关键信息 Ellen’s collection What ________________ How long For _______________ How many ________ so her mom says Examples The first snow globe she ever got What a _____________________ When on her ______________ loves best globes with __________ Plan start a ____________________________ Ask and answer: A: What was the first snow globe she ever got? B: It was... A: Which one does she like best? B: She like ...best. A: What would she like to do? B: She would like to ... Ⅴ.Retell it according to the chart.(复述) Retell it like this: Ellen collects snow globes. She has been collecting them



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