新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》精品学案 Section B(1a---4b).doc

新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》精品学案 Section B(1a---4b).doc

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新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》精品学案 Section B(1a---4b)

UNIT 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section B(1a---4b)学案 1. New words and expressions: stamp(邮票), kite(风筝), stuffed [st?ft] animals(毛绒玩具), shells(贝壳), theater and movie tickets(戏剧和电影票), cards(卡片), monster [?m?nst?](怪物,妖怪), globe [ɡl??b](球状物,球体), anyone(任何人),run out of(用完,用尽), store(储存), cake(蛋糕), particularly [p?tikjul?li](特别 尤其), collector [k?lekt?](搜集者,收藏者), by the way(顺便一提,附带说说), common [ka:m?n][k?m?n](共同的,公共的). 2. Ask and answer in pairs: A: What do you collect? B: I collect ? A: Why? B: Because they are ? A: How long have you been collecting them? B: I have been collecting them since ?/ for ? A: How many do you collect? B: I collect ? A: What other things would you like to collect? B: I would like to collect ? A: Why? B: Because they are ? 3.阅读3a,完成表格。 Fill in the chart. (The left column) Ellens hobby How long How many Moms idea The first one A gift from Jack Globes with animals She wants to start For example: Ellens hobby : collecting snow globes. Retell 3a according to the following passage (根据下文复述文章). Ellens hobby is collecting snow globes.She has been collecting them for . She has collected so far.Her mother thinks she should stop,because they have room to store them.The first one she got was a birthday cake .She has a gift from Jack. It is a snow globe of the monster.She loves globes .One with bears,one with penguins. She wants to start a . Writing Suppose you are Jack. Ask them to write an e-mail to Ellen. Introduce your hobby according to the following chart. My hobby How long How many Where to store Ideas in the future If happy At first, ask them to talk about the answers.Then complete the passage according to the chart above. My hobby is . Ive been collecting them since / for , and I have now



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