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摘 要 本设计是根据城市整体规划和商业区布局需要,在沈阳***新区某一地段新建的一幢商用综合写字楼,取名为***国际大厦。该建筑共9层,采用框架结构。总建筑面积约8300平方米。该写字楼主要以办公为主,故房间组成主要是单、套间办公室。此外,大、中型会议室共7个。设有一个大型用餐中心 、空中花园 、展览中心。顶层除有部分办公间外,还设有一个舞厅及阅览室、活动室、小型超市、配电室等其他辅助用房。考虑到写字间的采光要求,建筑正面全部采用玻璃幕墙。 本建筑周围场地平整,无障碍物和异常物,场地东西长80米,南北长60米,南侧为城市主干道,东侧为次干道,交通方便。在总平面图上除写字楼外,还考虑到了车库、院内甬路、花坛及绿地等的布置。 本设计共包括建筑设计和结构设计。建筑设计部分包括平面设计、剖面设计、立面设计,用天正建筑软件进行设计。结构设计部分包括结构布置、结构计算、结构施工图。结构计算分电算手算两方面,其中电算部分我们应用的是广厦结构程序进行计算。建筑施工图包括总平面图、首层平面图、标准层平面图、特殊层平面图、正立面图、侧立面图、背立面图、剖面图。 本建筑完全符合“适用、安全、经济、美观”的设计原则,满足使用要求及建筑物的防火、排水、抗震、沉降、承载等规范要求。房间功能分区明确,布局合理。梁、柱的布置符合结构要求。 关键词:建筑设计;结构设计;框架结构;结构计算;广厦软件 Abstract The design that is located in the Hunnan new area of Shenyang is based on the needs of the city’s overall program and the downtown’s layout. The title of my design is Yi Guang international Office Complex. It is a nine -store building and we use the framework for the whole building. The total constructive area is about 8300 m2. The main performance of the building is handling official business, so the rooms are mainly made up of offices. In addition, there’re also big or medium-sized meeting rooms, seven in total, one on each floor. There is a big dining room 、skygarden and exhibition center . On the top floor, besides some offices, there is also a dance hall, a mini supermarket, reading rooms, recreation rooms, power distribution rooms and other auxiliary function rooms. The surrounding sites of the building are smooth and there aren’t any obstacles either. The site is about 80 meters from east to west and 60 meters from south to north, where there is the main road of the city on its south and the subordinate road on its east, so the traffic is very convenient. On the total plan picture besides the building, there is also garage, corridor, flower terrace and the greenbelt in consideration. The design is mainly consisted of two parts, the architecture and the frame. The architecture design includes plan design, vertical figure design, profile design, which are finishe


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