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Face Problems Consideration in Chinese and American China and the United States both have its unique culture. Face considerations are an important aspect of culture. The differences between china and the United State in their perspectives of face, degrees of concern with face and ways of dealing with face issues often bring about difficulties in communication. First I’d like to list some classical differences in daily life between Chinese and American 1.greet In America In China Grandfather 祖父、外祖父 Grandmother 祖母、外祖母 Uncle 叔叔、伯伯、舅舅、姑父、姨父 Aunt 姨、姨妈、姑、姑姑、婶婶、伯母、舅母 Brother 哥哥、弟弟 Sister 姐姐、妹妹 Cousin 表哥、表弟、堂哥、堂弟 表姐、表妹、堂姐、堂妹 Nephew 侄儿、外甥 Niece 侄女、外甥女 2.Farewell In America In China Thank you for a lovely afternoon 这么晚了,你早点休息吧,我要告辞了 It’s been a pleasant stay 你挺忙的,我不打扰了 Thank you, I enjoy this beautiful evening 对不起,占用了你这么多是将,打扰了 I’m grad to hear that 请留步、慢走、路上小心 3、Provide In America In China Host: Sit down please. Would you like a cup of coffee? Guest: Yes, please. 主人:请坐,我去沏壶茶。 客人:别麻烦了,我不喝。 主人:麻烦什么。(稍后递上茶)请喝吧。 客人:谢谢了。麻烦你了。 4、Thanks In America In China Thank you Thank you very much You are welcome With pleasure Not at all. Im glad to be of help That’s all right 谢谢你(Thank you) 给您添麻烦 真是过意不去,浪费你这么多时间 让您破费了,真不好意思 收到您这么贵重的礼物实在不好意思 不用谢,这是我该做的 So ,why the people from these countries has such large different when that talking and living. I think it’s all because of the different way treat “face problem”. China and the United States both have its unique culture. Face considerations are an important aspect of culture. The differences between china and the United State in their perspectives of face, degrees of concern with face and ways of dealing with face issues often bring about difficulties in communication. Major Characteristics of Chinese Concept of “Face” Chinese concept of face has a lot of special characteristics according to traditional culture. In Chinese, “face” has to do with the image or credibility of the person you are dealing with. You should nev


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