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第28 卷第4期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol128, No. 4 2 00 7 年 4 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversit ( Natural Science) Apr. 2 0 0 7 杨 1, 欧进萍2 ( 1. 110004; 2. 150090) : , # , 4 : ÑÒ , : # , , , A a, # # : ; ; ; ; : T U 352. 11 : A : 1005-3026( 2007) 04-0584-05 Theoretical Analysis of Electrorheological Isolator for Adjustable Hysteresis Modeling 1 2 YAN G Yang , OUJin-p ing ( 1. School of Resources Civil Engineering , Northeastern Universit , Shen ang 110004, China; 2. School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of T echnolog , Harbin 150090, China. Correspondent: YA NG Y ang, E-mail: ang anghit @ ahoo. com. cn) Abstract: The design principle of an electrorheological ( ER) isolator for adjustable h steresis modeling is put forw ard with its basic performance anal zed. Then, a single-la er ER device and ER isolator for adjustable h steresis modeling are designed with performance anal sis, and four t pes of h steretic damping force models of the two dampers are therefore developed through numerical simulation, i. e. , quas-i friction, displacement-limit Ñ, displacement-limit Ò and quas-i viscous. Effects of the parameters in those models are discussed. The results show that the isolator s mechanical properties can be controlled easil b changing the t pes of the h steretic damping force models through regulating the functional relation between external electric field intensit and shear deformation of plate electrodes, thus obtaining the isolators w ith different h steretic performance.


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