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2010届高考英语翻译、写作俗语与谚语总汇·上海版 2010.4 P.F. Productions制作著作 说明:以下内容均出自2007~2010年上海市各区县模拟测试题、训练题翻译原版书稿,可能存在多种说法,仅供参考 飞速发展 rapid development 按要求 as required 积极努力 make an active effort to do sth. 认为…天经地义 take sth. for granted 事半功倍 be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort 困难重重 have much difficulty in doing sth. 截然不同 be totally/completely different 昏昏欲睡 be sleepy 竭尽所能/全力以赴 do everything sb. can/try one’s best to do sth. 世界万物 everything in the world 身心健康 physical and mental health 有良知 have conscience 早日统一、尽快团圆 be united as soon as possible 便宜没好货。 Cheap articles are of poor quality. 学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。 Study is like sailing against the current; either you keep going ahead, or you keep failing behind. 承蒙(你的慷慨相助) it was very generous of you to help 难以言表 more than sb. can say (机会)微乎其微 there seems little hope of sth. 万万没有想到 it never occurred to sb. that 只身一人 alone 一帆风顺 be always successful 勇敢面对一个又一个挑战 face bravely one challenge after another 天生我材必有用。 There must be a use for my talent. 学无止境。 There is no end to study. 每时每刻 at any moment 受益匪浅 benefit a lot from sth. 半途而废 give up halfway 并非巧合 it’s not a coincidence that 聚精会神 concentrate on 劳逸结合 keep the balance between work and play/relaxation 老大不小 sb. be no longer a child 择优录取 be selected among the best 虚度年华 waste time 非常普遍 it’s/has been quite/very common that 成为…的一份子 be part of sth. 饱尝/饱受…之苦 suffer a lot from 取悦 please sb. 圆梦 realize one’s dream 善解人意 be considerate/thoughtful/understanding 事与愿违 be contrary to one’s expectation 中意 be in favor of 价廉物美 be cheap and have good quality 激烈讨论 a heated discussion 全神贯注 concentrate oneself 听从指挥 follow the instructions of … 和睦相处 get along well with others/live together in peace/in harmony/ in a friendly way 显而易见 it is obvious that 总而言之 in a word 远不尽如人意 be far from (being) satisfactory 听之任之 have sth. going on 过个快乐年 celebrate the New Year with delight (兴奋得)不能自已 be too excited to calm (oneself) down 奉献一生 devote one’s life/lives to 成功的生活在于奋力追求梦想。 A successful life lies in pursuing ideals


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