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第 14 卷 第 4 期 铁道科学与工程学报 Volume 14 Number 4
2017 年 4 月 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering April 2017
基于改进的 Goodman 曲线的
(大连交通大学 交通运输工程学院,辽宁 大连 116028)
摘 要:传统的 Haigh 型式的 Goodman 曲线计算方法比较简单,疲劳评估结果往往不能完整反应车轮的疲劳状况。为了弥
补 Haigh 型式的 Goodman 曲线法在计算车轮疲劳强度过程中的不足和提高车轮疲劳强度安全系数计算的准确性,在 Haigh
型式的 Goodman 曲线法的基础上进行改进,完善车轮疲劳的计算工况及计算方法,将安全系数作为疲劳评估的关键参数。
以多个不同类型的车轮为对象,进行有限元仿真分析,并分别运用 Haigh 形式的 Goodman 曲线法、Crossland 准则和改进的
Goodman 曲线法对车轮的幅板和辐板孔等关键位置进行疲劳强度计算与评估。对比计算结果表明:3 种方法的计算结果趋势
基本一致,在车轮的一些评估位置改进的 Goodman 曲线法计算的安全系数要小于Haigh 型式的 Goodman 曲线方法的计算结
果,说明改进的 Goodman 曲线计算方法更加安全有效。但是,对于非轴对称车轮的辐板孔等位置,仍必须使用 Crossland
关键词:车轮;疲劳强度;Goodman 曲线法;疲劳强度评估准则
中图分类号:U270.33 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672−7029(2017)04 −0827 −06
Assessment method for fatigue strength of wheel based on improved Goodman curve
WANG Yuedong, ZHANG Jiayu
(Department of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, China)
Abstract: Due to the simplicity of traditional Haigh-Goodman method, the fatigue assessment usually cannot
reflect the fatigue condition of wheels. To make up the shortage of Haigh-Goodman method in calculating process
of the wheel fatigue strength and improve the accuracy of the calculation of the wheel fatigue strength safety
factor, the Haigh-Goodman method was improved, which included putting the safety factor as the key of fatigue
assessment and improving the main method of calculation. Taking different types of wheels as objects, the finite
element models were carried out. The fatigue strength of the key positions of the wheel