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张钦礼1, 邵佳1,2,陈秋松1
(1.中南大学 资源与安全工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410083;2.吉首大学 商学院, 湖南 吉首 416000)
Optimal proportion of gravel and tailing base on viscosity reducing effect
Zhang Qinli1, Shao Jia1,2, Chen Qiusong1
(1. Central South University, School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Changsha 410083, China
2. School of business, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China)
Abstract The aggregate proportion in gravel- tailing filling system is a key factor to affect the stability of slurry transportation system. In order to determine the optimal proportion of gravels and full tailings in theory, the relations function curve of limit concentration and gravels’ proportion was drawn, through exploring the changes of limit concentration before and after mixture of gravels and full tailings. The curve shown that there exist a optimal proportion which can get the maximal limit concentration. Moreover, limit concentration of mixture is higher than the respective attribute value in most of time. In other words, viscosity reducing effect exists after mixing the gravels and full tailings. Finally, the calculation model of optimal proportion between gravels and full tailings was established through mathematical analysis. This calculation model was applied to calculate the proportion of gravels and full tailings in some mine, and it was got that the optimal gravel proportion is 70%. Through the indoor mixture proportion experiment, it was got that when the gravel proportion in mixture is about 65%, the mixture slurry flow performance is the best (biggest slump), compared to result of formula (70%), the error can be controlled in 10%.
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