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北京大学学报 ( 自然科学版), 第 48 卷 , 第 1 期 , 2012 年 1 月  Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, Vol. 48, No. 1 (Jan. 2012 大型厌氧填埋场中铁的分布特征及迁移行为研究 † 朱勇 段振菡 陆文静 龙於洋 王洪涛 吴华勇 任路路 清华大学环境学院 , 北京 100084; † 通信作者 , E-mail: luwenjing@ 摘要 以北京南郊某大型厌氧填埋场为例, 对不同填埋龄垃圾中的铁含量、价态转换及形态分布进行研究。 结果表明, 该厌氧填埋场填埋龄为 3~10 年的垃圾中 Fe 含量变化范围为 18532.8~26897.2 mg/kg。由于微生物 的异化铁还原作用, Fe(III)不断被还原为 Fe(II), Fe(II)/ Fe(III)从 0.51 上升到 1.01。形态分析结果表明: Fe 在不 同填埋龄垃圾中的形态分布规律基本一致, 残渣态含量最高 , 可氧化态和可还原态次之, 酸可溶解态含量最 低, 可还原态受环境因素影响极大, 硫化物对 Fe 形态分布影响最显著。 关键词 厌氧填埋场 ; 铁 ; 价态转换; 形态分布 中图分类号 X705 Distribution Characteristic and Migration Behavior of Fe in Large-Scale Anaerobic Landfill † ZHU Yong, DUAN Zhenhan, LU Wenjing , LONG Yuyang, WANG Hongtao, WU Huayong, REN Lulu School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084; † Corresponding author, E-mail: luwenjing@ Abstract As a variable valent metal, the environmental behavior of Fe has significant effect on the migration of metal and degradation of organic matter in landfill. In the study, the total amount, valence conversion and speciation of Fe in different deposit age waste from a large scale anaerobic landfill in southern Beijing were analyzed. The result shows that 1) the total amount of Fe was 18532.8−26897.2 mg/kg in 3 to 10-year waste; 2) Fe(III) is reduced to Fe(II) continuously and Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio rises from 0.51 to 1.01 by dissimilatory iron reduction; 3) the form distribution of Fe in different deposit age waste is generally identical: the highest content is


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