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2002 8 13 8 CHIN ESE JO UR NAL OF A PPL IED ECOLO GY, Aug . 2002 , 13( 8)#9 85~ 989 * 1* * 2 1 周瑞莲 Paster nak Dov 赵哈林 ( 1 , 730000; 2 ) , , ( Cynodon dactylon L. ) 6 ( Suw anneeCoast crossT i ton44T i ton68T i ton78 T i ton 85) , , . , Eci 10ds!m- 1 , 6 , Eci= 4 . 4 ds!m- 1, Coast crossSuw anneeT i ton44 T i ton68T i ton78 T i ton85 ( Eci= 1. 2) 141% 6 1. 1% 136% 121. 2% 202 . 3% 109 . 7 % , , . , , , , , . 100 1- 9332( 2002) 08- 09 85- 05 S2735 A Influence of saltwater irrigation on the yield and quality of Cy nodon dacty lon under desert conditions. ZHOU 1 2 1 1 Ruilian , P aternak Dov , ZHAO Halin ( State Key L aboratary of Frozen Soil Engineering, Cold and Arid Re 2 gions E nv ironmental and Engineering Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, L anzhou 7 3000; Institute of ioApp lied Research, enGurion University of the Negev, Israel) . Chin. J. App l. Ecol . , 2002 , 13( 8) : 985 ~ 989 . Responses o six varieties ( Suw annee, Co ast cross, T i ton44 , T i ton68, T i ton7 8 and T i ton 85) o Cynodon dactylon to ir rigationw ater salinity w ere investigated in ield by means o a double line source ex perimental de sign . T he dig estibility o the g rass by goat w as analyzed using the rumen g ast ric justice digestion method . T he results show ed that the six varieties g rew w ell, and had a high y ield o resh grass w hen eletroconductivity ( Eci) 10 ds!m- 1. Particularly w hen Eci = 4 . 4 ds!m- 1, the resh g rass yield o Coast cross, Suw annee, T i ton44 ,



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