
Manuscript Template - Journal of Animal Ecology稿件模板-动物生态学杂志.doc

Manuscript Template - Journal of Animal Ecology稿件模板-动物生态学杂志.doc

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Manuscript Template - Journal of Animal Ecology稿件模板-动物生态学杂志

Journal of Animal Ecology Author Guidelines: Manuscript Style and Formatting for Standard Papers A. Author* a, B. Author b, C. Author c, … and X. Author x a Department of Life Sciences, University of Somewhere, City, Country b Department of Life Sciences, University of Somewhere, City, Country c Department of Life Sciences, University of Somewhere, City, Country x Department of Life Sciences, University of Somewhere, City, Country * Corresponding author: Summary This should summarise the main results and conclusions of the paper using simple, factual, numbered statements. It must not exceed 350 words. Summaries/abstracts are key to getting people to read your article. Summaries should be understandable in isolation from your article. Summaries should only have 5 points, ideally, listing; (1) what the question is, (2) why it is interesting, (3) what was done in the study, (4) what was found and (5) what this means. Advice for optimising your Summary/Abstract (and Title) so that your paper is more likely to be found in online searches is provided at /bauthor/seo.asp Key-words Listed in alphabetical order, the key-words should?not exceed?10 words or short phrases. Please pay attention to the keywords you select: they should not already appear in the title or abstract. Rather, they should be selected to draw in readers from wider areas that might not otherwise pick up your paper when they are using search engines. Introduction This should state the reason for doing the work, the nature of the hypothesis or hypotheses under consideration, and should outline the essential background. Materials and methods This should provide sufficient details of the techniques to enable the work to be repeated. Do not describe or refer to commonplace statistical tests in Methods but allude to them briefly in Results. Results This should state the results, drawing attention in the text to important details shown in tables and figures. Discussion This should point out the sig


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